After Quarantine

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Neil's POV
It was officially over. The fear of Audrey dying was over. Once they let everyone in to see there loved ones and to leave the hospital, they rushed Audrey up to the ICU to recover for a few days.

"Audrey!!" I yelled as I ran towards her being wheeled away to the ICU.
"Neil," she whispered,her voice raspy from the breathing tube that was down her throat.
"God Audrey I'm so happy you're okay," I said as I reached for her hand.
"I was so scared I would never see you again," she said, her voice beginning to break as a single tear went down her cheek.
"Shhh it's okay you're okay" I said kissing her forehead.
Once we reached her room they told me to wait outside for everything to be done. I just wanted to hold her like I did the night we slept together. Something about that night stays in my mind, it was the way she fit right next to me, the way she smiled, the way she made me feel like there was nothing else in the world when she looks into my eyes. Then it hits me.. holy shit.....I'm in love with Audrey Lim.

Audrey's POV
That's all I heard and it was the voice of someone I needed, someone I wanted.
"Neil" I whispered.
I see him give me a soft smile.
"God Audrey I'm so happy you're okay" Neil whispered, he looked like he was about to cry.
That's when I broke.
"I was so scared I would never see you again" my voice broke, and I took his hand, it felt good to see him.

"Shhh it's okay, you're okay" he whispered as he kissed my forehead.
That's when the separated us, I didn't want him to leave I..just..need..him
"Please..Claire...please I need him" I begged.
"Lim I'm sorry.. not yet" Claire said.
I was heartbroken, I just closed my eyes and thought about that night.. the way he kissed me, the way his hands felt on my skin, god the feeling of him in general felt good. Then it hit me....holy shit.
"I'm In love with Neil Melendez" I whisper

Neil's POV
1 day later..
"Glassman can we talk?" I asked stepping into his room.
"Of course Neil" he said, putting on his glasses.
"I have a situation" I said.
"I'm in love"
He looked at me dumbfounded.
"With who?"
He smiled at me, shaking his head
"Well it's about damn time you got your shit together"
"I saw it the day you two met, I saw the glow in your eyes every time you looked at her"
I was shocked,he knew this whole time.
"Well what the hell are you waiting for Neil, Tell the poor girl, this would be the best thing she's heard in the past few days"
He was right I know I have to tell her and I have to tell her now.
"And do me a favour"
"Does she want kids?"
"Ummm yes"
"Alright then you're good to go"
I laughed as I made my way to Audrey's room, I'm about to do this, I pray she feels the same.

Audrey's POV
I just laid there, thinking about him. I wondered what he was doing, where he was, but one thing ran through my mind, did he love me back.
"Audrey!!" His voice yelled as he ran into the room,making me jump.
"What is it Neil, you look like you ran a mile" Audrey laughed
"I just...wanted to....tell.. you..that...I love you" he said panting with every word he said.
Wait...what did he just say.
"Oh my god Neil"
"Audrey I have loved you for such a long time it just took me forever to realize that Jessica was never the one for me, it was always you Audrey, I think it was the night we slept together that really showed me that I really need you, and Audrey no words can describe how much I love you"
"Neil, I love you too" I said as my voice broke.
He ran over to me and kissed me passionately,I never wanted it to end. He pulled when I started coughing.
"Guess I should have pulled away a while ago" he laughed. God his laugh just had its toll on me.
"I love you"
"I love you too" he said as he curled up next to me, wrapping his arms around me as I fell asleep.

What up my dudes. I'm trying to be active as much as possible

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