I'm calling post-it

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"I Love you, but it's not enough, Good night Neil"

She walked out of his house, immediately regretting everything she said. She felt sick to her stomach. She really didn't want to leave him, she loved the living hell out of him.  She stood by his front door and waited. She just wanted to make things right. she remembered the moments together. The time they first slept together, the first time staying the night, the first kiss they had shared not drunk, the first time slow dancing together, the one time they both were sitting on his couch watching Grey's Anatomy together and it hit Audrey that they should make a post-it of their own, so they did.

 the post-it read that "no matter how complicated they got, they would make it and stay together" and "I will always love you even if it drives me crazy" and "If one of us walks out during a fight, I will always run after you and tell you "I'm calling post-it" and "I promise to love you, even if I hate you" (because they loved that one and it was true) And "I'm never going to give up on us, because you make me a better person" Audrey made the last promise, "I won't walk away from us when it gets tough"

they signed their names on it and framed it, so whenever they had an argument, One of them would call Post-it.

Neil had that post-it in the living room, in a frame beside a picture of them. she started walking away to her bike when the door swung open. 

"I'm Calling post-it" He yelled out. Audrey stopped dead in her tracks. and turned to him.

"What did you just say?"

Neil walked closer to her, grabbing her hand, "I said, I'm calling post-it"

Audrey had tears streaming down her face, "Neil..."

Neil took her face in his hands, "I'm calling post-it because, you know for sure that  you made the rule of "I won't walk away from us when it gets tough" If I'm not wrong"

Audrey nodded, "I did Neil"

Neil put his forehead against hers and whispered, "Don't walk away from us Aud"

Audrey let out a sob, Neil kissed her forehead, "Aud, I love you and I know for a fact, that we are going to make it through this no matter what it takes"

Audrey took his face in her hands and whispered, "We can, And we will because I love you more than anything in the world, And it's enough"

Neil wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. Audrey deepened the kiss more. Once they ran out of air, Audrey smiled at him and took his hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't listen to the post-it"

Neil took her helmet from her hands, "It's perfectly fine, just don't do it again"

Audrey smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist as they walked to his front door, "I won't break post-it laws ever again"

Neil opened the door, "Now, I'm gonna show you just how much I love you"

Audrey gave him a tired look, "I'm exhausted Neil, maybe tomorrow night?"

Neil laughed and took her hand, "What do you say we watch some Grey's Anatomy instead"

Audrey laughed and took off her boots and jacket, "That sounds like a good idea to me"

Neil held out his hand, Audrey taking it and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Neil kissed her head, "By the way, I watched some without you"

Audrey lifted her head, "Oh Now you've started a WHOLE new argument"

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