being there for a friend...And each other

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The front door bursts open, Audrey and Neil stumble in discarding their jackets, not stopping their passionate make-out session. Neil pushed her up against the counter, Audrey wasted no time, she had to be back at the hospital in 2 hours. Neil grabbed her waist and lifted her onto the counter and continued to kiss her. he made his way down her neck and kissed the spot that if kissed at work, she would have had her way with him in an on-call room or one of their offices. he started it all on the car ride home, his hand kept travelling up her thigh, after telling him multiple times to "wait till we get home"

"Should we take this to the bedroom?" Neil whispered on her neck, slowly unbuttoning her dress shirt.

Audrey's head was spinning, "oh god yes". Audrey giggled as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, not stopping the kiss.

An hour later, they both laid there, clothes on the floor, tangled limbs and sheets.
"for being on a time crunch, that was absolutely amazing" Audrey laughed.

"definitely, you have some kind of spell on me Audrey, and I can't stop it"

Audrey smiled as she cuddled into him, listening to his heartbeat, "I don't see myself with anyone else, you're it for me, Neil Melendez"

Neil knew that she loved him,she would do anything to keep him safe, she knows him more than he knows himself.

Neil laughed to himself, making Audrey adjust herself so she could see his face, "What's so funny, I mean it Neil"

Neil continuted to laugh, Audrey this time hit his chest, "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?"

Neil finally looked at her and spoke, "I just had sex with my boss, that is so against the rules"

Audrey gave him a look, "seriously"

Neil just kept laughing as he spoke, "I Just did my boss, in my bed, our clothes are on the floor, your shirt is downstairs and we are all sweaty and gross"

Audrey looked at him like he was drunk, "Are you high or something?"

Neil grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of him, "I'M HIGH ON LOVE BABY"

Audrey laughed as she kissed him, "So am I Neil, so am I"

Neil went serious, "Round 2?"

Audrey smiled, "Round 2"

They were just about to kiss when BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

Audrey stopped dead, "Are YOU KIDDING ME?"

"It's my Phone, it's probably Andrews"

He answered it, "Hello?"

All Audrey heard was someone crying on the other end and they were in shock, Her boyfriend's voice was calm, "Okay what's going on claire, breathe"


"where are you?"

"Okay I'm on my way just breathe"

"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes"

and with that, the phone call ended.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Get dressed," he said without looking at her.

Audrey stopped him, "Tell me what's going on?"

Neil stopped and turned to her, "Claire's mom"

Audrey didn't need any more than that, she jumped up at got her jeans and bra, she searched frantically for her shirt, "GOD DAMN IT I CAN'T FIND MY SHIRT"

Neil turned to her, throwing a blue dress shirt at her, "Here, put this on"

Catching it and throwing it on, "Thanks"

Audrey and Neil ran down the stairs, Audrey still buttoning her shirt up and throwing her hair in a ponytail.

Once they got their shoes on, they ran to the car.

Neil and Audrey arrived 20 minutes later, to a car accident scene. Before getting out, Audrey looked at Neil, giving his hand a squeeze. Once they got out it felt like everything was going slow motion, Audrey saw Claire's mom's car wrapped around a poll.

"Oh my god" she whispered

"Dr. Lim, Dr. Melendez?" A voice called out.

they both turned their heads to see claire. Audrey ran towards her, embracing Claire as she sobbed, "My mom...she lied to me, I'm sad and angry, she lied Dr.Lim, She lied"

Neil looked at Audrey, Audrey had tears in her eyes, she was trying to keep herself together. He walked over to the girl and hugged them both.

"it's okay claire, it's going to be okay I promise you" Audrey whispered.

Claire continued to sob as Neil rubbed claire's back.

"Let's get you home Claire" Audrey whispered.

"I can't, I just can't"

"You can stay with Dr.Lim and I" Neil spoke.

Claire wiped her tear away, "No No I couldn't"

"Why not, we have a spare room," Neil said.

"Neil, take her to the car, I have to make a call, Dr. Browne and I Aren't going into work tomorrow"

Audrey made the call and ran back to the car, On the way home, they stopped at Claire's to pick up clothes and stuff she would need, Neil and Audrey waited by the entryway and herd her cry again. It broke Audrey's heart. Neil held her hand. once Claire settled down, it was 5 am. Neil and Audrey got back to bed and cuddled.

"I feel so bad for her, she's so talented and she fought, that woman is a fighter Neil"

Neil brushed his hand on her waist, "I know"

Audrey turned over to face him, "You know, you're super adorable when you're being all sweet and caring"

Neil rolled his eyes, "Audrey"

"It's really cute and I love it"

Neil moved her in closer by grabbing her waist, kissing her neck, "You're really cute"

Audrey giggled, "don't start things you can't finish"

"Trust me, I'll finish"

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