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It was a bright, beautiful day in San Jose, but not a normal day for poor Audrey Lim who paced back and forth, waiting for her best friend to get dressed. Once the door opened Audrey stopped. Morgan Reznick was wearing a navy blue silk dress. 

"Why are you freaking out?"
"Morgan, I'm terrified, what if I trip down the aisle?"
Morgan rolled her eyes, "stop being so damn paranoid, you look great the dress looks amazing, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE FINE"
Audrey smiled, "I guess you're right, I'm getting married today!"
Morgan smiled, "we have to get you in your dress"

(The boys)

Neil rolled his eyes, "the first time wasn't my fault"

"SPEECH FROM THE GROOM" Park demanded.

"The day I met Audrey, I knew she was something else, and she is no doubt, the woman I'm spending the rest of my life with"

Glassman smiled, "we gotta go, don't want to be late on your wedding day do we?"

"Are you girls ready to see the dress?" Audrey asked from upstairs

"Audrey, Of course we are"

Audrey walked down the stairs, the girls gasped.

Audrey walked down the stairs, the girls gasped

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"So what do you guys think?"

All the girls ran up to her and hugged her, " you are gonna make that man cry, no doubt" Claire laughed.


"Are you ready?" Park asked, standing behind Neil at the alter.

"More than you'll ever know" Neil smiled.

the music started playing and the doors opened, all of the bridesmaids walked down and all that was left was Audrey Lim.

"Everyone please stand for the bride," Andrews asked.

as everyone stood, the doors opened.

"This is the big moment, how you feeling Audrey," Glassman asked before walking her down the aisle

Audrey had a tear going down her cheek, "I'm so freaking ready Aaron, you have no idea"

the doors opened and revealed Audrey and Glassman. Neil made eye contact with Audrey and his eyes watered,  "Park, she's gorgeous"

Audrey smiled at him as they walked down the aisle. once she arrived in front of Neil, she smiled and Glassman gave him her hand. Audrey wiped away the tear that had fallen from his eye.

"You look so beautiful Audrey" Neil whispered

"You look handsome babe" Audrey whispered as she wipped her own tear away.

"friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Audrey Lim and Neil Melendez, if anyone disapproves them getting married keep it to yourself because we have been waiting for this to happen since residency so shut it" Andrews said.

"he's not as scary as he sounds guys" Audrey spoke up, everyone laughing.

"I belive that you both wrote your vows" andrews asked.

The couple nodded their heads.

"I'll go first" Audrey spoke, turning to Laura for her vows.

Audrey cleared her throat and began, "From the day I met you in OR 2, i knew that you were going to be my best friend, actual friends, but a little part of me knew that we were going to be togther romanticaly, I fell in love and i never thought it would be so fast, but it was. You make me a better person and I couldn't ask for more than that"
Audrey choked up a But as she wiped a tear away before she continued
"You're my person Neil, you love me even when I'm angry, you love me even when no one else would, and most of all, you love me even when I'm not the most lovable, and it is an amazing honour to take your last name and you don't need to worry i am saying I do right now, tomorrow and forever"
Neil has tears in his eyes, " I guess it's my turn"
He turned to Shaun who held his vows, "Audrey,when Jessica and I split up, I felt all of my hope for love left, but then I met you, you Made
My world so much brighter and I finally got to see my dreams again, to finally have found my soulmate,you. You're my best friend and I do now, tomorrow and forever"
Audrey smiled as Neil moved in closer to her to kiss her when Andrews cleared his throat.
"I believe it's time for the rings" he whispered.
"Okay now Audrey repeat after me, l, Audrey Lim, take you, Neil Melendez to be my husband til death do us part"
"I, Audrey Lim take you Neil Melendez to be my fucking amazing husband" she said slipping his ring on his finger.
Everyone bursted our laughing, even Andrews, "okay, Neil repeat after me"
"Save it, I know what to say, I Neil Melendez take you, Audrey Lim to be my Fucking amazing wife Til death do us part" he said slipping the ring on her finger.
"By the power vested in me by the star of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Melendez, Kiss your wife"
Audrey laughed when Neil wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her softly, picking her up of the ground.
Once they stopped kissing they faced their friends and family and smiled
"It is my honour to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Neil MELENDEZ" Andrews yelled.
Neil and Audrey walk down the aisle together, "we did it Audrey Melendez"
Neil whispered.
"We did it Neil Melendez"

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