The Last Time

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Audrey loved being chief of surgery, but sometimes things got crazy and she felt like just screaming her head, especially when she had a CRAZY amount of paperwork to do. Audrey didn't know that there was so much paperwork added to being chief. Neil walked in just in time before Audrey set down her pen to take her break.

Neil smiled as he saw his girlfriend, "hard at work I see my love"

Audrey looked up and smiled, "it's never-ending, but what can we do about it"

Neil gave her a sinister smile, "So...I got a crazy idea while I was doing this case with a bride who is dying, and you know it made me realize that we have such little time and well it made me think about us and well..."

Audrey was confused, "Well what?", she stood up from her chair and walked to him.

Neil gave her a smile, taking her hand in his, "Well...I know we've only been dating a few months but, Audrey they have been the best months of my life"

Audrey gave him a soft smile, "Neil, what are you getting at?"

Neil took a deep breath, taking a small box out of his jacket pocket, "Audrey, will you marry me?"

Audrey's eyes widend and welled with tears, "Oh my god, Are you kidding me?"

Neil smiled, "No, I really want to be with you for the rest of my life"

Audrey smiles and wipes her tears away and nods, "Yes, Yes Neil I'll marry you"

He smiled and put the ring on her finger, Audrey smiled and hugged him.

Audrey completly forgot the paperwork that was on her desk, "How did you leave the hospital today to get a ring"

Neil smiled, "I've had that ring since we had our first date, i went and bought it right after I took you home"

Audrey smiled, "You knew?"

"I knew the moment I met you that you were going to be my wife"

the silence grew in the room and it wasn't uncomfortable at all, it was calming and happy. Audrey stared at her ring as they laid together on the couch in her office, "marry me Neil".

Neil looked down at her, "Of course i'll marry you"

Audrey gave him a serious look, "No, I mean Let's get married...right now"

Neil's eyes widdened, "Audrey"

"You said it yourself Neil, We have such little time, so let's go home, get changed and get married"

Neil smiled as Audrey got up and stood in front of him, "SO what do you say Neil Melendez, Marry me or not?"

Neil stood up and smiled, taking her hands, "let's get married"

Audrey's brain sprung into action, "Okay so go get your things from your office and meet me down stairs and then we will drive home, get dressed and leave for the courthouse"

"Sounds perfect to me"

Neil gave audrey a loving kiss before he left.

Neil ran to his office and started packing his things, before a knock came to his door, "come in"

None other than Aaron Glassman walked in, "Sorry Dr.Melendez but- leaving early?"

Neil looked up, "Yep, I just made plans with Audrey"

"what kind of plans" he asked.

"Getting marr-" He stopped himself, his brain was still on adreniline so he spilled everything.

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