The Small Things

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It was a long day for Neil Melendez. Audrey stayed home because she was having a lovely case of morning sickness, thanks to what Neil and Audrey call their little nugget. When Neil walked through the door, he was hit with a lovely smell of Audrey cooking. Audrey always loved cooking, she was doing a lot more of it since she found out she was pregnant.

Neil walked into the kitchen and saw his girlfriend hard at work, "Well well well, I thought you were resting for the day, not slaving over a hot stove"

Audrey laughed but didn't turn around," I have a surprise for you"

Neil smiled as he leaned against the island, "Ouuu Like what?"

Audrey put down the spoon and turned around, "someone is finally got a bump". She stopped for a side view when he saw the small bump on her belly.

Neil ran towards her, "AY Oh, Look who's showing up"

Audrey laughed, "I know, I saw it the 3rd time I threw up"

Neil put his hands on her belly, "oh mi amour look at you, we're having a baby"

Audrey put her hands on his, "I know, it all feels real now, even though I'm only 13 weeks"

Neil smiled and kissed her, "smells great"

Audrey smiled at him, "thank you, it's pasta, nothing fancy at all"

Neil smiled, "Still you're cooking it, it's bound to be good"

Audrey giggled, " I honestly don't see a difference if you make it or I-", Audrey was cut off but a weird feeling, she grabbed the counter.

Neil got up from the barstool and ran over, "Babe what's wrong"

Audrey turned to him, "I don't know I don't know it felt so weird and not normal you gotta tell me what's happening to me"

Neil put his hands on her stomach. Audrey was scared, "there it is again"

Neil looked at Audrey, He lifts her shirt up and put his hands on her belly, "Oh my god"

Audrey really started to freak out, "TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON"

Neil kissed her, "Oh Aud it's not bad, not even close, out little nugget is kicking"

Audrey laughed, "No way"

Neil picked her up and hugged, "Yes way baby"

Audrey smiled and wiped her tears away, "I can't believe she started kicking"

Neil put her down, "She?"

Audrey put her hands over her mouth, "crap, I wasn't supposed to tell you"

Neil backed away from her, "It's a girl?"

Audrey nodded, "I'm so sorry I know I wasn't supposed to tell you until she was born but yeah we're having a girl"

Neil started pacing around rambling in Spanish,  Audrey had no clue what he was saying, she only caught hints of "holy shit" and "Wow". Audrey was scared, was he upset, was he happy. she got her answer when he picked her up and spun her around.

"Oh Mi amour, I love you more than anything, you're caring a girl oh my god"

The only time she saw him this excited was when she told him she was pregnant. It made her feel like she was floating on a cloud. every time he put his hands on her stomach, she felt so joyful.

Audrey giggled at her boyfriend is so happy, he was like a kid in a candy store, "I know, I love you too"

When Neil put her down she put her forehead against his and smiled, taking his hand, "she's kicking again"

She placed his hand on her stomach again so he can feel it, each time he felt it he smiled, 

Audrey looked at him, "so I have a question"

Neil ket his eyes on her small baby bump, "Sure, like what"

Audrey smiled at him, "I was wondering... well I was going to butter you up and ask if we can get rid of your office and make it a nursery for the baby"

Neil didn't think twice, "I'd give up anything for you and this baby"

Audrey was shocked, "are you serious?"

"Of course I am"

Audrey smiled and kissed his forehead, "Thank you"

"For what?"

Audrey put her arms around his waist, " getting me pregnant and staying, for being there for every single doctors appointment and ultrasound, it means a lot"

Neil kissed her forehead and let her cuddle into him, "Thank you for making me a father"

Audrey closed her eye, "No problem, and I'd do it a thousand times again"

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