I'm Sorry

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"If we weren't dating, that woman might still be alive"

That's all Audrey heard come out of his mouth. she never thought she would hear him say that in her life. she felt her cheeks burning up, her eyes started burning. she could feel the tears, she tried not to let them fall. When he walked out of her office, she breathed out and she felt a tear fall.

she never felt so hurt. She seriously never expected him to say that. she knew he was in pain, but that, that was just so low.

A knock on the door, brings Audrey back into the real world, "Come in" She said as she wiped her eyes.

The door opens and reveals claire Browne, "Hi, I was wondering if- Are you okay"

Audrey gave her a soft smile, "Yeah I'm perfect", Her voice broke a little, she felt a tear about to fall.

Claire walked over to the chair that Neil sat in before, "Dr.Lim? is everything okay?"

Audrey nodded her head before a sob escaped her body, another, and then another. Claire stood up and hugged her.

claire rubbed her back, "Okay it's nothing, you gotta tell me what's going on"

Audrey wiped away her tears, "It's nothing really"

Claire gave her a look, "Is it Dr.Melendez, cause he just-"

That's when Audrey sobbed again, Claire knew then. 

Claire helped Audrey up and brought her to the couch in her office and sat her down and started making her a cup of coffee

Claire was getting her coffee ready, she asked, "What happened?"

Audrey tried to not cry as she told her, "Neil blames me for the woman who died"

Claire froze, "What?! That makes no sense"

Audrey threw her hands in the air, "THANK YOU"

Claire brought her the coffee and sat in front of her, "You perfectly well know that it wasn't your fault"

Audrey lowered her head, "According to him, yes it is, he told me my judgement was clouded because we are dating, Even though it isn't, then he said that if we weren't dating, that woman might still be alive"

Claire cringed, "Ouch, that's hurtful"

Audrey looked down at her coffee, "I know, my heart is telling me that it's going to pass, but my brain is saying that it's him breaking up with me"

Claire took her hand, "Dr.Lim, That doesn't mean anything at all, but if you want me to talk to him, I will"

Audrey looked up at her, "I'd leave him alone right now"

Claire nodded, "I have to go, cause I can feel my pager buzzing, I'll check on you later"

Audrey turned to her, "Thank you"

Claire gave her a smile, "No problem, only helping a girl out"

Audrey smiled as she shut the door. she looked at the clock on the wall that told her the time was 11:00 Pm. she stood up and got her stuff packed up and walked out. She was sick of her office at that time, it just bugged her that he said those things to her. she walked past his office and heard him talking to Aaron Glassman.

"I screwed up Aaron, I really did, I hurt her I promised I wouldn't and I did," He said 

"Everyone makes mistakes Neil, you didn't mean any of it"

"Aaron you should have seen her face, it went pale, and her eyes, oh god she looked like she was going to cry"

"At least you regret it, you have to talk to her"

"Like she wants to talk to me, I broke her heart, I regret everything I said and if I could turn back time I would"

"Neil, Listen, she understands you, she wants to be there for you, When I talked to her, she was so worried, she was scared of losing you"

"That was before I said that, God that's something I would have said to Preston, not Audrey"

Audrey chuckled a little at the remark, he always had a sense of humour.

"I know Neil, but you have to tell  her before she leaves"

"Aaron, that woman doesn't deserve me, I can't let her get hurt like that again, I hated seeing her eyes well up in tears as they did, part of me wants her to walk through that door and see her smile, but part of me wants to run to her office grabbed her and tell her I love her and to hold her, but that won't happen"

Audrey has tears streaming down her cheeks, she opened his office door, all eyes were on her.

Neil stood up, his eyes were red and puffy, "Audrey"

Audrey didn't let him speak, she walked up to him and stood in front of him, "do it"

Neil looked confused, "What?"

Audrey took his hands, "I heard you talking, grab my waist and say it before I do"

Neil smiled and grabbed her waist and pulled her close, "I love you and I'm so sorry, I never meant anything I said and I can't live my life without you"

Audrey felt tears springing from her eyes, "I love you too, you don't need to be sorry"

Neil lifted her chin and kissed her lips, Audrey deepened the kiss by putting her hands behind his neck.

That's when Glassman left and none of them noticed. by this point Audrey was sitting on his desk, he was between her legs.

Audrey was the one who noticed, "we're still at work babe"

Neil didn't really care, "whatta say we go home and I show you how sorry I really am?"

Audrey tried to hide her blushing, "I'd like that VERY much"

Audrey jumped down from his desk and walked to his office door and waited for him to pack everything. once he did, they walked out of the hospital together.

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