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Audrey walked into the house, knowing that it was about to be a screaming match with Neil. He went over her head with a surgery...Again.

when she shut the door, he rounded the corner and gave her a look. Audrey sighed, knowing it was about to be a war that would most likely end in one of them leaving.

Neil walked closer to her, "I know that we are gonna start fighting any second now but I know I was out of line and  I should have told you"

Audrey's voice broke, "I can't do this anymore Neil"

His heart stopped, he just stared at her, "Audrey, come on we can work this out,"

Audrey wasn't hiding it much longer, "It seems like every week we are screaming at each other, this isn't gonna work out"

Neil grabbed her hand in his, "Mi amour, we fight, every couple does"

"Not as much as we do"

Neil held onto her hand, "Audrey please, I love you and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and i don't want to lose what we have together"

Audrey had tears streaming down her cheek, "I'm so sorry Neil"

Audrey tried to open the door but Neil stopped her by grabbing her waist and pulling her into his chest, and rested his forehead on hers, "I believe if we try hard enough, We can pull through together"

Audrey sobbed and wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his neck, "I'm so scared Neil, I don't want this to end and I'm scared it might and I don't want to hurt you"

Neil held her tighter, "I know mi amour, we're going to be okay"

Audrey just sobbed and tried to hold onto him tighter with each sob she let out.Neil picked her up and carried her to his couch, taking off her jacket and holding her as tight as he could.
"I can't do this job anymore, I'm losing who I really am, I miss the old me, the me who always was scheduled for a surgery, I haven't seen an OR for the past 4 weeks"
Neil played with her hair trying to calm her down, "Audrey Lim, don't you dare say that, you've got this and Hey you can scrub in on my surgery Tomorrow at 9"

Audrey laughed and cuddled into him more, "I've just experienced a mental breakdown haven't I?"
Neil kisses her hair, "I believe so babe"
"I just need a break, a day off"
"I'd stay with you"
Audrey smiled and kissed his cheek, "I wasn't planing on letting you leave"
The room went silent, until Neil asked, "stay with me tonight Audrey, stay with me forever"

Audrey looked up and smiled, kissing his lips, "I'll stay with you, forever, I'll love you forever"

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