That Call

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The earthquake was there and gone in 3 minutes... St. Bonaventure was on it. victims being brought in left and right but one thing that Audrey Lim couldn't shake. The fact that Neil Melendez was at a Charity event. Not knowing he wasn't safe wasn't helping her concentrate. 

she tried calling him, no answer. So she grabbed Alex Park and she was on her way to the event. when they pulled up, her heart sank. she saw Glassman and Automatically ran up to him. 

"Glassman are you okay? where's Neil?" She asked, panicked more than she ever had been.

Glassman could barely speak, "He was right behind me"

That's when Audrey's phone started ringing. she read the caller ID and her heart raced. Neil Melendez.

she answered right away, "Neil where are you?"

No sound, "Neil? answer me"

he finally spoke, "I don't think... I'm gonna make it so I might as well tell you now, I love you, I've loved you since the day I met you, I loved you even when we broke up, you have always been the one, I love you and i wished i said it earlier"

Audrey had tears going down her face, "Don't say that, we are coming to get you, Neil, baby I'm coming to save you okay, just hold on a little bit"

"Audrey it's over, I'm bleeding out, I'm gonna last a little over 10 minutes"

Audrey looked at Glassman and held in a sob, "Hey, you're getting out of there, we are gonna talk things out and get back together, we are gonna find a nice house and move in together, get married and have 2 amazing children that look just like you and we are gonna live such a good life together"

she swore she could hear Neil smile, "Give Gabi some nieces and nephews, she'd love that"

Audrey laughed, "I know, Neil stay with me baby okay? you gotta stay awake okay? please I'm on my way" she said as she ran into the building searching for him. 

She yelled his name a few times. she swore she could hear her voice breaking. 


That's when she heard Park scream, "I GOT HIM"

Audrey wasn't long running towards him. Once she arrived and saw him, she pushed Park out of the way. She looked at Neil's wound and tried to wake him up.

"Neil, baby please wake up" She started to sob when he grabbed her hand. she looked up when he started coughing.

Audrey laughed and kissed him before he could say anything. 

once they came up for air, she helped him up and they were on their way out to the ambulance. once they got in there and the doors shut, Audrey let her emotions out, she cried and held Neil's hand. She leaned in to kiss him when he asked

"will you marry me"

Audrey laughed and looked at the medic, "What the hell did you give him"

The medic smiled, "That's all him talking, I didn't give him anything"

Audrey smiled and looked down at him, tears forming in her eyes again "Neil, I love you so much, Yes I'll marry you"

Neil smiled and kissed her hand, "good, cause this ring isn't gonna go on anyone else's finger but yours"

Audrey laughed, "I guess now is a good time to tell you that I'm pregnant"

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