I'm right here

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(If Glassman died from his cancer)
Audrey sat in her office,Glassman was getting his surgery that day. Neil was preforming his surgery and she was hoping the best for both. It had already been 14 hours since he last saw her father figure going into surgery and the love of her life following behind after she gave one a kiss on the forehead wishing him luck and prayed he'd come out tumour  free and kissing the other on the lips, wishing him luck on his surgery.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she saw Shaun speeding out of the waiting area, Lea not far behind him. She thought it was weird but didn't think much of it. That's when Neil opened the door. Audrey stood up right away.
"Neil, what's happening?" Audrey asked ,slowly walking up to him.
Neil tried to hide it but couldn't, "Audrey I think you should sit down"
That's when she heard Debbie's screams.
She just stared at Neil, shaking her head, "No, No this isn't happening"
Her eyes welled up with tears

She kept shaking her head, not believing that it was really happening, " Neil, tell me he's okay"
Neil had his hands on her shoulders, "babe, I'm so sorry"
Audrey put her hands Over her mouth and backed away from him, tears  springing from her eyes.
She backed up against her desk and stood there.
Neil walked towards her, "Audrey, it's okay to cry"
Before he could say anything else Audrey let out a sob and fell into Neil's arms. Her arms were around his neck and she cried. He held her tight, arms around her waist, trying to keep her from falling to the ground. Claire, Morgan and Park walked in to see the two holding each other. No one saw the team so they witnessed Neil kissing her hair and telling her everything was going to be okay.

(Before Glassman's funeral)
Neil was in front of the mirror trying to fix his tie and getting easily frustrated. He was leaning against the counter when he looked in the mirror and saw Audrey leaning against the door frame.
"Tie issues, love?" She smiled as she pushed herself off the door frame.

That's when she saw the tears in his eyes, " I didn't think I would have to do this so soon Aud, I was supposed to save him"
Audrey lifted his chin with her fingers, "This isn't your fault baby, his cancer was bad, and you knew that"
Neil wrapped his arms around her waist and held her, "can we go lay in bed, just for a bit?"
Audrey smiles as she took his hand,leading him to their bed.
"I would be lying if I said I didn't need some cuddling this morning,Neil"
They laid down, Audrey wrapped her arms around his waist and her chin on his shoulder.
It was silent for a bit but Neil spoke up, "before Glassman went under, he told me that...He wanted to live long enough to see Shaun get married, to watch me get married...but most importantly, he wanted to walk you down the aisle"
Audrey felt her eyes watering, "I wanted him to walk me down the aisle too, but the universe had different plans babe"
The room went silent again.
"Stay with me forever okay?"
"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else Neil"

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