strange day

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Audrey entered her office, she was worried about what her boyfriend spoke to her earlier that day. he said he wasn't feeling well. that was unlike him, she grabbed her jacket, keys, bag and helmet and ran out of her office.  on the way down to the ground floor, all she thought was is he sick, or did he have a bad day. either way, all she wanted to do was snuggle with him and play with his hair. 

"what's on your mind kiddo?," A voice questioned, guiding her back to reality.

"Um, Neil went home early, he said he wasn't feeling good," She stated.

Glassman has known them both for quite a while, Audrey and Neil have  known him for a while as well,

"It's unlike him you know, it's not like him to be sick, I've never seen him sick before in my life"

"Maybe he had to do something," Glassman said immediately covering his mouth.

Audrey swung her head around so she could see him, "What does that mean?" 

She could see him starting to sweat a little. "nothing, maybe he wanted to catch up on work" He stammered.

the Elevator doors opened and he hurried out, he turned to Audrey before the doors closed again, "good luck tonight"

The doors closed and Audrey was left standing there perplexed. The doors opened again and Morgan and Claire walk in.

"hey there wifey," Morgan says, nudging her shoulder

"MORGAN SHUSH!" Claire shouted.

"Are you guys drunk?" Audrey asked.

the girls looked at each other, "No we aren't what makes you think that" 

the doors opened and Audrey got off, "you girls get some sleep, You're delusional"

"alrighty, ma'am," the girls said as she walked out.

"She has no idea what's about to happen does she?" Claire laughed as she high fived Morgan.

once Audrey arrived home, she wandered up the steps and opened the door.

"God I think there is something going around the hospital everyone is acting absolutely bonkers, Glassman told me "good luck" for no reason at all, then Morgan called me "wifey" which is Weird for her," Audrey said as she took off her boots and jacket without turning around.

"And if I'm being honest, you leaving early freaked me out a little bit-" Audrey turned around and saw the lights off, candles lit and a trail of rose petals, which looked like they were leading to their bedroom.

"what the hell-" Audrey whispered as, she followed the flowers. she walked up the stairs and saw pictures of them together on separate occasions, the Gala, their first date, their first vacation together, them with his little sister.

Audrey smiled as she heard their song, "I can't help falling in love". when she reached the bedroom, she saw him standing there in a suit.

"what's going on," she asked, with a bit of a chuckle in her voice.

"Audrey, since the day I met you, I always knew we were going to end up together, and when I was offered the chief of surgery position, it felt wrong to take it, not because we are sleeping together, because I knew you have been fighting your hardest to get the position, so I gave it to you, it made me feel happy when I saw your face when the call came in, the joy in your eyes, the smile on your face, everything. And on the first day, your anxiety was high, your stress levels were through the roof when others would quit on it, you fought, you said: "I'm gonna make this work". that's what I absolutely love about you, how strong and determined you are, I love waking up next to you every morning, I love falling asleep with you in my arms every night, I never want that to change" Neil said, holding her hand.

"Neil what-" Audrey said, her eyes watering a little.

"You make me the happiest man on earth Aud, No doubt about it, I love walking past your office every day because when I see Dr. Audrey Lim, chief of surgery, it makes me so proud because other people would have quit the first day, but you, The love of my life, didn't" Neil said his eyes now watering as well.

"what are you getting at," Audrey said her voice breaking.

"Audrey, I love you more than anything in the world and when I walk past your office I don't want to see Dr. Audrey Lim"

"What the hell do you mean" Audrey shrieked.

"I want to see Dr. Audrey Lim-Melendez" He smiles, getting down on one knee, pulling out a tiny black box.

Audrey's eyes widened. She gasped and put her hands over her mouth, "OH MY GOD!" 

"Audrey Jane Marie Lim, Will you Marry me?" He asked looking up at her, grinning at her like no tomorrow.

Audrey sobbed, she grabbed Neils face in her hands and kissed him passionately, Her tears streaming down her cheeks.

"So, will you?" He asked.

"Oh my god, YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!" Audrey squealed as she jumped into his arms.

He slid the diamond ring onto her finger and smiled.

Audrey held her hand out to admire the ring that was on her finger, "it's gorgeous" Audrey whispered. She looks at Neil and gives him a kiss.

they were pulled out of their fantasy world when their pagers went off.


Audrey Grabs her jacket and bag and follows Neil out the door.

When they arrive at the hospital, everything is quiet. 

"what the hell there is no emergency here, I don't-",

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone sprang out.

Neil and Audrey laugh at their team. "DID SHE SAY YES?" Claire questioned.

Audrey pretended to look at Neil  as if she had no idea. "say yes to what?"

Claire's eyes enlarged, "oh shit oh shit Um um nothing absolutely nothing"


everyone was astounded. they didn't know what to do.

"TOO LATE BECAUSE, I said YESS," Audrey replied, Flashing everyone her diamond ring.

Everyone yelled and cheered as Claire, Morgan and Carly ran towards Audrey ingulfing her in a tight embrace.

" YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!, YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED" The girls shouted, jumping up and down.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED" Audrey smiled as she cuddled into Neil's arms.

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