37- Just Regular Ink...

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Alice brushed her fingers through her hair, dwelling deeply. Yo was leaning against the grate, eyes cracked open just a bit, as if in a trance. Charles had yet to come back, but even now it did not matter. The angel was certain that Bendy had been taken away for testing. She worried what kind it was, and if he would be mentally okay afterwards. It pained her that Shelly seemed to treat the demon like mud on a shoe compared to every one else. Sure, no one liked her anyways and yes, she was mean. But... She did have her reasons to be angry. None of the deformed ones like her had been brought here by their consent. This wasn't fair to any of them who had been forced into boxes of metal. Deformity wasn't a choice. No one would want to be looked at with turned up noses, with narrowed eyes and pure distaste directed towards them. 

No, no one would want that. 

No one would want any of this. 

Finally, after a few more minutes, Charles approached her cell. Yo snapped out of his trance like state and made direct eye contact.  

"Well, I found out where he went. He was taken to Doctor Andrew, Shelly's orders. But," Charles took note of their grim faces. "Doctor Andrew isn't one to be reckless. He's the head doctor here, and he respects his own title. He's a fair man, that I can assure you."

Yo scoffed. "Right... 'til little miss fox lady jumps in."

Charles crossed his arms. "Well, I also have to say it'll only last a week. He'll be there for that long, and after he'll most likely come back here."

Alice's one eye narrowed. "What do you mean 'most likely'?"

Charles stroked his chin with his thumb. "Huh... Not sure. I'm not told the details." 

Yo sighed. "Well, we'd figured as much with the testing thing but, an entire week? What are they plannin' to do to him?"

Alice snapped her inky fingers. "Unless they're seeing how he acts over a course of time." 

Charles steps away. "Yes. Now, I have to go in case you-know-who finds me now doing my job..." He then moved to leave. Alice and Yo did not bother to even wave as the humanoid hurried off. 

Alice huffed silently, worried. 

"...They better not do a thing to him..."

Yo spoke softly. "...I'd be with you if they did..."

Alice smiled gently at him through the worry. "Thanks, Yo."

"Anything for an angel."


Oswald sat on the couch with Boris' heavy head pressed upon his chest. The whole time he kept nodding off, only to jerk awake a bit, and would continue scratching behind Boris' ears, which he found the wolf seemed to like and found relaxing. At some point, Oswald heard small snores erupt from the wolf, bringing a small smile to the rabbit's face. The wolf seemed to be atpeace, which was rare since just four- well, now five- days ago Bendy had been ripped away from him.

The wolf was so innocent; it would be hard for him to accept all the horrors in the world. But now as he thought about it,

the wolf had been through his own horrors. The way the Council had barged in and 'stole' Bendy made both of them angry. And what was worse, the wolf had been so down. Boris would barely get off the couch, watching and rewatching all of the old Bendy the Dancing Demon cartoons.

Oswald was brought out of his thoughts when the wolf moved his head head a little. For a moment the rabbit thought that maybe the wolf was awake, but after a moment it became obvious that Boris was still very much asleep.

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