43- Fix Them

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Bendy was stuck alone. Swimming thoughts sloshed around inside his head, whispering to him, even more defined without any other distractions to help block them out. 

Shadows of whispers spoke to him, and refused to leave him alone. They weren't necessarily bad thoughts, but they were still annoying. And as they pestered, the demon wished he could swat them away. But after a while he began to cling onto the thoughts, growing lonely. 

The heartbeats around him pounded lightly in the back of his head, almost out of reflex. The demon didn't mind them, since he was quite adjusted to them, but they were strange to not be able to hear them fully. Each pounding was a dull throb inside his head. Not a painful one, but it was obvious people were still there. 

Bendy laid there, sighing a bit. He really did wish there was someone to talk to,  besides him conversing inside his head. Thoughts were thoughts, not beings. 

The demon tucked his head under his arms, blinking but still not seeing. 


It takes time to heal wounds. 

The demon whined, muffling the noise with the sheets, shaking a bit. Bendy was still scared. 


Time, time, time. It always moved forward. With every breath he took, his own time neared. The bad thing, he did not know it. He did not know how much time he would still be here. How long would these tests last...? Was he even told...? 

Bendy felt another prod of something, and he sucked in a gasp for it was right into his arm. He flexed it, which only brought more pain. The demon felt the same brush of a digit down one spine as he shuddered, sitting up in a huff.

Doctor Andrews sighed, and moved to wrap the puncture up with a bandage which was already becoming tinged with black ink. 

The demon's throat gurgled, but he chose to stay quiet and not speak.

Shelly stood nearby. "I forgot to ask until now," she started. "Did you set up a meeting?"

Andrew straightened his back a bit. "I gave Frank a voice mail. He didn't answer me."

The fox sighed, leaning against the wall. (It's like her signature, sassy move.)

"What time did you set it?"

The doctor was quick to respond as he placed the used syringe on a tray. "Tomorrow, at the hospital. Around noon."

Shelly nodded. "Alright, and now another question." she nodded to the demon. "What did you just give him?"

The cat doctor said, "Something to boost his immune system. He'll flush out the other serums like a fever soon."

The demon felt a hand move to the space in between his horns as he huffed gently. "D-doctor Andrew?" his voice was quiet. "H-how much longer...?" 

The doctor tapped his hand twice. About two days...? But how long had he already been affected? He couldn't tell. Several hours, maybe? He couldn't see the clock. He couldn't ask about it. He could only wait. 

"Alright then, Andrew. Thanks for the help," she did not bother to glance back at Bendy when she finally decided to leave. She felt guilty enough as it was and no, it wasn't just for her latest mishap. 

Doctor Andrew merely watched as she leaved, sighing before turning back to the demon. 

"I'll fix you," he vowed under his breath. The cat turned, stepping back to his desk and phone, not knowing that he wasn't the only one having a similar problem as the demon laid down once again.

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