Main story 2

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The years passed on and Atem grew into a handsome merman. His place in line to the throne had moved up with the death of three of his half siblings. His training to be king started late and his trips to the surface lessen. He prayed daily at the temples that his older brothers would remain in good health not just for his sake but for his younger brother's as well. Atem's mother was the only mermaid his father mated with twice, giving him a brother of his very own. The other siblings were jealous of this but not as much as their hateful mothers. The mothers would bully the little merboy whenever they could; hoping to drive the little prince away, but Atem would always bring him home. Like right now.

Atem swam franticly around the city looking for his brother while ignoring the calls of passing mermaids. He dodged them as they tried to catch his eyes with their dance like movements and songs. Years of making trips far from home made him into a strong swimmer and one of the fastest in the kingdom so he was long gone before away of the courting females could follow him. Atem was about to head to the coral gardens when the only mermaid who came close to matching his speed caught up with him.

"Atem! I think I found your brother! A few of the older hunters said that they saw a merboy that looked like you, swimming out of the city!"

"What! He's too young for that!"

Mana frowned saying, "Well he's much older than we were when you drag us out of the city."

"But he's-oh never mind! Just take me to where the hunters saw him swim off!"

Mana took off at her top speed and Atem followed with no trouble. Mana had gotten stronger since their childhood days and remained Atem's only true friend. As they swam outside the city, they both heard the crying of the merboy floating in the water. Atem shot forward pass Mana down to bed of swaying kelp. A trail of floating tears led him to the exact spot, and he called out gently to his little brother.

"Yugi, it's me. I've come to bring you home."

The crying stopped and a loud sniff was heard that made Atem bite the inside of cheeks to keep from letting out a small laugh. Atem adored his younger brother whose character took after their gentle mother, but the merboy was sensitive about his delicate nature. He hated being seen as cute, but he just was. The other siblings teased that Yugi was more female then male. Atem had gotten into a lot of scuffles with them that alienated him and Yugi even further from the others. The teasing became less since his position of succession had change, but the mother would outrank him till he himself became king. 

"Yugi." Atem said his name again with a firm patience.

"I'm not going back. The older brothers are mean and so are the other mothers." The merboy voice said through the kelp.

"I know they are but what about me? Are you going to abandon me to live in this bit of kelp?"

There was a moment of silence before a small "No" was heard. The little prince stayed in the kelp trying to dry his eyes. "Why do the mothers hate us so much? They say the worse things."

Mana swam next to Atem saying, "What were they saying, Yugi?"

A hiccup followed by a bubble drifting out and Mana had to cover her mouth at the cute sound.

"They said that the only reason father is making the council train me is in case Atem dies. I don't want to be king if it means Atem has to die." Yugi stared down at his fin as he tried not to break into another cry.

Mana gasped and looked at Atem, whose fist were balled up tight. If only the other three didn't die, then he could take Yugi away from this place. If only he was the eldest, then the others wouldn't dare so much as look at Yugi. If he only hadn't promised his mother not to run from his duty, unless their lives were in danger. If only. 

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