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You swam away into a brush of tall seaweed with a large oval shape boulder in the middle and laid flat against it. Your heart was going as you tried to quiet your rapid breathing. What was a merman doing out this far? They had rule against coming so close to humans.

You started wondering if it would safe to head home when a gently voice called out to you. Snapping your head up you saw the young merman swimming down to you and your cheeks heated at his handsome face. Again, your eyes locked with his as you laid limped against the rock. You've seen plenty of handsome mermen like him but none could come close to his beauty. What could he want from you?

Yugi smiled when you didn't swim away but kept his distance when he saw how frighten you were. How strange that you would be but then he remember that there was some conflict between those that lived in colonies and those that lived on their own. He needed to be careful around you even though he wanted to get closer.

"Hello." He said. "Please don't be afraid. I just want to talk to you." An octomaid. Yugi never seen one before but something about you made his heart race. As you laid on the rock his eye's scan your soft face, bright eyes and full lips. "I..." He started then quieted not sure what to do next. "I want..." He tried again but the building nerves in his chest made him stop again.

You blinked at his hesitation then lowered you gaze. This wasn't the first time a merperson chased after you, wanting something, but you won't be caught by them or by this one no matter how beautiful he was. Biting your lip, you pushed off the rock and swam off again. As fast as you could you moved through the waters glancing behind you to see if you lost him. The merman remained behind you, so you dived down into a reef disturbing schools of fish.

You zig and zag around rocks and coral but Yugi kept coming and even got in front of you a few times forcing you to turn back. Papa taught you how to fight, but it never appealed to you. He's really persistent, but I can't lead him home! Not with her coming to see me! You started to worry about the time and wondered how long you could keep up the pace.
Up head stood a large pile of rock and you swam around it passing Yugi.

If you didn't lose him soon you would have to fight him off. Yugi was caught off guard and quicken his pace to catch up to you. You swam passed a small hole that was the perfect hiding spot for you and flip up and over back to the cave. Yugi eyes followed you and watch as you disappeared into the hole in the rocks. His chest panted and burned but he was happy that you had stop running. 

The young prince needed to know who you were but something else laid beneath that curiosity. Something that spoke to him in a instinctive matter that made his pulse quicken and his nerves static with need. Yugi had to get closer to you.

He started to head down when you called out to him. "I have no business with you, so stay away if you don't want to be harmed!"

Yugi stop but then move so that he could see down the hole you were in. It must have not been too deep since he could see your eyes shining in the dark.

"I didn't mean to bother you." Yugi said. "I just wanted..."

You sighed expecting him to make some crazy request of you like all the others before him. "Please go away! There's nothing I can do for you no matter what stories you may have heard of my kind."

Yugi tilted his head to the side not understanding your words. From the dark cave you watch as the water moved his colored hair and the light glistened on his scales. He looked so young but was clearly full grown. What could he want from me? Surely, he has no trouble catching the eye of the mermaid he wants. He's a skill swimmer so what could it be?   

"Forgive me," he said, pulling you out of your thoughts, "but what are these stories? My teachers didn't care to tell me anything about the lives of others outside our home."

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