Main story 3 (choice)

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At the end of the chapter you will be given a choice on the romance you wish to have. Both will have a conclusion, one individual art, and a tiny lemon that will be posted in my one shot book, but they will lead to one ending. Have fun!


Three years passed since that day and Atem went back every chance he got to look for the human woman that dived down to rescue a child that was not hers. How did she even know that the child was pulled out so far into the sea? How did she swim out there so fast by herself and why did she kiss him? Okay, he had sort of an answer for the last one since that must have been her way of saying 'thank you' to him. Ah, but if he could only see her again, he could ask her to be sure.

Yugi birthday had come and gone and the now young merman kept pestering his older brother about when he was leaving to live the way he wished. Yugi could see that Atem could not forget about the human he met three years ago and wonder if that woman would the one his brother was meant to be with. Even Mana noticed that whenever they visit the surface he didn't gaze at the human females the way he used to. 

Neither Yugi or Mana were sure if it was infatuation, curiosity or love that Atem felt for the woman or if Atem understood what he felt. What they did know was that the royal court had become interested in knowing why the third in line had not yet mated. If he were a common merman it wouldn't have matter but he was a prince and still third in line. The older half brothers had mated but were so far unsuccessful with producing heirs. They still had time since their father had centuries in him to rule but the matter still concern them since an unmated royal was a considered immature. 

Mahad confined in Mana that the other council members ha suggested to the king to use Atem in a political marriage with a neighboring colony. It was either that or they were going to start giving him mermaids to mate with. Mana was grateful for the warnings her meteor gave her but fear telling Atem herself and instead told Yugi. There was no way Yugi was going to let his brother be used or forced into anything after all the year of neglect he suffered do to his place in the royal line. But he didn't know how to tell Atem either of the councils' plans.       

"It's time Atem," he said one day while they were in the public coral garden, "you've done enough for me. It's time we put that idea of mine into action."

Atem scoffed at Yugi saying, "I never agreed to leave Yugi. Besides, you still need me here."

This time it was Yugi's turn to scoff. "For what, I can protect myself from the brothers and their mothers."

"Yes, but can you protect yourself from them?" Atem asked as he pointed to a group of courting mermaids calling out with their songs to entrap Yugi. 

The young prince stopped swimming and paled. Yugi then blushed at the way the mermaids moved their hips as they swam towards him. He went a shade darker when he heard the sentiment in the melodies for some of their songs. Atem chuckled remembering how he hated this time in his life when he had just hit adult hood, but seeing it happen to Yugi was hilarious. "You better go brother," Atem said grinning, "they look serious this time."

"We're not done talking about this!" Yugi said quickly as he swam away. Atem chuckled as the group passed him without a glance. They knew that he had no interest in mating with any of them and Yugi had just hit adult hood, so he was vulnerable to seduction.

"If that's all the help you're going to be you might as well take off. I can make sure no one pulls Yugi behind a curtain of kelp to have their way with him. Unless that's what he wants of course."

Atem blushed and turned to see Mana floating next to him. "I can't leave yet Mana and I might not ever." He said looking down at his fin.

"I didn't mean leave forever Atem. I'm saying that you should go look for a mate outside of the colony. Maybe there is a mermaid that will be to your liking out there." Mana sighed as Atem rolled his eyes at her suggestion.

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