❤️🔱Ending Part 2🔱❤️

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Yugi found himself in a familiar state of comfort. Warm and relax in bed with his treasured mate holding him. He could stay like this for eternity. Being held by Y/N or having her held in his arms was heaven. If only heaven wasn't being so loud right now. Yugi didn't mind the soft trickles of laughter coming from Y/N, but there was another voice in the room. No, there were four other voices. Two females, with one sounding familiar and two males. One of them was a voice that he had not heard in a very long time.

Y/N sounded calm and cheerful as she talked but the idea that others where in his home caused Yugi to stir. Y/N stopped talking and ran a hand over his head as he breathed out a waking sigh. "Yugi?" The sound of his name cause him to turn up his head. So that when his eyes opened, the first thing he would see is his love.

The octomaid smiled down at him and caressed his face. His big purple eyes gazed at her and if it weren't for the other people in the room with them, she would have kissed him on his parted lips.

"Yugi, we have visitors, but it's safe."

Yugi eyes widen and he turned to face the room. He had to blink a few times to confirm that the other merfolk where really here. "Mana and Mahad?"

"It is good to see you." Mahad said bowing his head.

"Did you have a good nap? I hope your head isn't hurting." Mana said.

Yugi touched his head saying, "It's not, but I'm confused. Why are you here? And what- "

As he was talking his eyes scanned the room looking for the other two owners of the voices he was hearing. He took noticed of the beautiful mermaid with a gentle expression on her face. Next to her was someone he both recognized yet couldn't because they were supposed to be dead. Yugi became still as his mind slowed and speed up at the sight of Yami.

"You..." was all he said as his heart clutched.

Pandora felt her husband go still and put a hand to his back to calm his nerves. Yami hesitated then smiled a nervous smile as he spoke softly, "Hello Yugi. Do you remember me?"

Yami waited for Yugi to deny that he was there. To yell or tell him to get out. Joy was not something he had expected or brotherly affection. He did not expect Yugi to dart out of the hold of his lovely mate and throw his arms around him. That would be wishful thinking.

Yet, here he was, in the old hideout that he would drag his little brother to in their younger years and being embraced. Yami again stilled when Yugi threw his arms around him. Yami glanced over at his wife. One short nod from her was all it took for him to hug his grown up little brother back.

Yugi sniff when he felt Yami's arms hugging him back. "They said you died." Yugi said with his head over his shoulder. Yami sighed. "I know."

"Where have you been?"

"In the north. I lost my memory and ended up being the king of the north colony. A series of unforeseen events led me back home."

"Does," Yami could hear Yugi holding back a sob but knew that tears were falling as he asked, "Atem know?"

Yami chuckled at the question causing Yugi to worry for a moment. "Yes, he knows. He was here a while ago but had to leave."

Yugi pulled back, frowning up at his brother asking, "You two haven't been fight have you?"

"No, just a bit of harmless teasing." Yami admitted. "Besides, we were too busy fighting you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Prince Yugi,"

Yugi glanced over at Mahad, who spoke up before Yami could respond. The merman had his hand over his heart as he bowed lowly. "I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion with your brother, but I must inform you that your older brother the Crown Prince Ciel has passed."

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