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You stood in the field armed with the same staff you used to beat Atem with the other day.

Just because you agreed to this meeting didn't mean you trusted him. I mean, yes, you kissed him, again, but that was no reason to let your guard complete. Besides the weapon wasn't just for your protection. Your sister was off being courted by some merman she met the other day and though you were the younger sister you were the more protective one. She was a special kind of mermaid so her being courted was bound to happen. The fishers boat wasn't too far from here so she could call for help if need.

Time seemed to drag on as you waited, and you look up at the ceiling of water thinking that it was well pass noon. I wonder if he's even going to show up. He could be chasing after some other mermaid. You shook your head at the thought since it sounded too much like jealousy. It's not like you were that interest in him. Right, that's why your wearing your best bikini right now. Not to mention the little gold starfish your sister put in your hair. You glanced down at the tiny bits of golden fabric wondering if it was too much.

"I see that coming arm was a good idea."

You turned looking up and saw the handsome merman swimming down wearing a golden breast plate and helmet holding a shield at his side. It took a whole minute of staring at him before you broke out into a laugh. The staff was lowered and Atem swam till he was a few feet away from you. Your laughter died but you stood tall in the swaying seaweed with a smile on your face.

"I suddenly feel underdress." You said.

"You have a cross bow on your back and a sword at your hip."

You shrugged. "I like practical accessories."

He chuckled at your response then took off the helmet and shook out his hair and you swallowed as you watch the handsome male move. The amount of attraction you felt for him made you frighten of letting down your guard when it needed to be up.

"Tell me, why are you seeking me out?"

Atem glanced at you then moved the helmet under his arm. "I wanted to know more about the human that helped save a child that wasn't hers by swimming with the skill of a mermaid. And," he paused gathering his courage for a moment as a blush rose to his face, "I wanted to know why you kissed me that day."

A blush burst in you cheeks as he stared at you with his red eyes. It deepen as his gaze moved up and down over your body. The heat from those eyes nearly made you quiver as if he was stroking you with a soft skin hand. The fact that he noticed the weapons first earned he some brownie points. He understood that you were serious.

"But first," he said meeting your eye, "I want to know if you really are part human. I know the legs are a dead giveaway but beings like you are supposed to be impossible."

Says the merman, you though with a smile. "Yes, I'm really am part human. My father was a fisherman and my mother let him catch her." You grinned at the shock look on his face saying, "I know. Crazy, but it's true. She said she had been watching him for days while he was at sea all alone on his boat. When he brought up his net, she grabbed on to it and flopped into his arms saying, "Take me I'm yours!". Dad thought he was having a stroke."

"And her colony didn't banish her or punish her?"

"She was on her own already. She was bored living there, or that's what she told me. Mother was one to rush into one love affair after another but there was something about my dad that made her stay with him."

"And she had you."

"Well, yes. She gave birth to me here in the sea but gave me to my dad to keep me safe on land."

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