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Continuing from Main Story 6...

Atem led you down deep into the dark waters. You looked over your shoulders a few times to see how far you were from the glittering surface.

It was still early in the morning, but the light of the sun would never reach this far no matter the time of day. The cold and dark waters unsettled you as the pressure began to feel heavy on your body. Your eyes could just barely make out the sides of the rocky canyon that appeared around you. Never have you dived this deep.

"Atem?" You called out.

He glanced back at you as you stopped swimming. "We're not going to the midnight zone, are we?"

"No." He said turning. "It's close to it. We're nearly there."

Biting your lip, you glance back up at the waters above you. You had hours till you needed to surface for air. If you were going to follow him further, you would need to keep a strict eye on the time. "Persona." You looked away and found that Atem was floating in front of you. A warm smile filled his face as his hand came out to you. "I'll make sure you get back safely."

You glanced down at the hand then back up to his eyes. Even in the dark shadows of the ocean those red eyes of his glowed with a soft look asking you to trust him. A look he had given you countless times and with each glance you found yourself give in faster to his request. You took his hand and let him lead you down further into the darkness.

Atem search for the spot till he finally saw a green glow emitting from a hole. The two of you swam to it and when you peeked inside you saw tiny green crystals giving off the glow. The hole was big enough for a single person to pass through without getting touched by the crystals, but you still moved carefully as you followed Atem through the tunnel. When Atem made it out the other end he quickly turned around to help you out and to see the expression on your face.

It was unlike anything you've ever seen. You were in a large cavern tucked away in the side of a ravine that was filled with giant white and light pink crystals. It was like being inside of a gemmoid rock you would see in the gift shops at home. Atem chuckled softly at your reaction and pulled you in deeper to the middle of the cavern. "Watch yourself. The crystals may be beautiful, but they are sharp."

"I never thought anything like this existed underwater."

Atem smile back at you; pleased with the expression on your face. "It is a secret that I have not shared with anyone. Not even my younger brother."

"How did you find it?"

Atem took you over a large crystal that jetted out sideways from the floor and back down. "When I was younger, I would wander far from home to get away from my family life. When my third brother die, I got scared and ran away from home." You looked at Atem, but you couldn't read the look on his face. "I wanted to find a place where I could bring my mother to. The council was used to me disappearing for hours out of a day but when I didn't return after one night, they sent guards out to find me."

The two of you stopped in the middle. Atem looked up and when you copied him you saw a large hole in the ceiling filled with glowing blue gems. "I was forced down into the canyon outside," Atem continued. "I had planned to hide in the shadows of the midnight zone when I found this cave. Certain, that I found a place where my mother and I could live safely from my father and the council I went back, but when I did, I found out my mother was carrying Yugi."

"So, you stayed." You said earning a sigh from him.

"I was afraid someone would kill my mother in her condition. I couldn't abandon her or my brother."

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