Main story 5 (choice)

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That night the Crown Prince fell suddenly ill and the King order that all his children remain in the palace under heavy guard. The King felt trouble that he would lose another child to another misfortune but what trouble him more was who would inherit the throne. The legacy of peace he carried on from his father was in danger. Prince Zev talked about expanding their territory into the smaller colonies that neighbor them. His thoughts on mermaid breeding was another troubling factor.

Many in the court assumed that the King only paid attention to his eldest but in truth he had his eye on all his children. He watch as Zev gather support with the few nobles that would benefit from having him as ruler, but in the end the King must allow the crown to pass to another if the eldest could not. How the King wished his fourth son Yami had not died. How he wished he had more children with Atem's and Yugi's mother. If he could do it over again, he would have made her his one and only wife. He sighed remembering that even if he did made her queen she would have never accepted since she never loved him.

The King look out the window in his private office overlooking the kingdom as his two of his most trusted advisors waited from him to speak his mind. He gave a small apology to his deceased lover for what he was about to do to their son. Her son. "Solomon, if the Crown Prince does not survive his illness, I will pass my crown to Atem."

The old merman gasped and the other, younger merman, stayed quiet. "But my king, he is only third in line and has not even mated yet." Solomon said.

"My dear friend and council, that restrained is something I admire from him. Atem is merely waiting for the right mate and has a noble character."

"Yes, but he is still too young and impulsive when it comes to other matters."

The King nodded then glanced over at the other merman saying, "What do you say Mahad? Or does your silence signal your opinion?"

"My King," Mahad began bowing his head, "I believe you are correct in passing the crown over."

"It is a dangers move!" Solomon glared at Mahad. "Unlike Prince Atem, Prince Zev has build relationship with several high ranking nobles. Even members of the council have friendly relations with him. The last thing we need is division among our people."

"Would you rather my second child rule?" The King asked.

The old man quieted and breathed in as he closed his eyes saying, "No. I do not." He then looked at the King with certainty in his eyes. "But is why Isis will make sure that your eldest will not die."

"Let us hope so. For the kingdom's sake. No, for the sake of my two youngest sons."

"Your Majesty," Mahad spoke up, "Prince Zev had in his mind that you were planning on passing the crown in the next half century. Is this true?"

The King's stormy eyes stared at Mahad for a moment. "I feel my time ending." Solomon bowed his head at the news as Mahad stilled. Merfolk were not immortal and those who lived long enough could sense when their time was up. No amount of healing can prevent it or lengthen his life spam.

"Do not speak of this to anyone. If my son does not improve soon, I will declare Atem the next in line to the throne, followed by his brother Yugi."

"You are stripping Prince Zev of his birth right?" Solomon started to feel to old for his job as he nearly swayed. "Please understand that I am no supporter of his but you must have some bases in your decision, my King."

Mahad nodded. "Agreed, or the court can easily overrule your word after you pass." He sighed then said, "I am in support for seeing Prince Atem as the next king, but as Master Solomon stated, he has no support in the royal court."

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