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Most nights, everyone stayed at Kenny's house as late as possible. However, after the rest of the gang arrived and saw that Stan was okay from the fight, everyone went home. If Craig hadn't stormed off earlier angry at him for whatever reason, Kenny would've been fine with no one wanting to stay and hang out - but he was feeling a little rejected.

First, this morning Karen hadn't wanted anything to do with him, then Clyde didn't want to hear him out and finally, Craig just gave up on him for the day. It made a pit in his stomach grow, that left him with the aching feelings of abandonment he often pushed deep inside himself. Kenny pretended much too often that he wanted to be alone, when in fact, he really never wanted to be alone. It reminded him too much of his childhood.

Despite Kenny feeling anxious and unsure about his place in his own life, he knew that he had to fix things with Karen. Something was obviously upsetting her since she hadn't gone to school that day, she actually liked school so for her to not go was concerning him. He still didn't move up the stairs as he stood alone though, staring up at her room with such uncertainty that he was getting dizzy. Is this how my friends feel after one of my outbursts? Am I really this much of a pain in the ass? Kenny thought to himself as he played with the detached string on the end of his jacket, his stomach growing tighter at those thoughts.

He couldn't stand there forever though, he had more plans for the night - so, Kenny pulled himself up the first step by the railing on his right, continuing to Karen's room. He was standing there much too soon, his knuckles hovering over the brittle, wooden door. Kenny sucked in a breath and focused his mind on not being emotional explosive. There was no way he could ever be considered "normal", Kenny was convinced.

Before Kenny could knock, Karen's door was opening to reveal her dressed, with an overnight bag slung on her shoulder. Although he trusted his little sister, Kenny was still the overprotective brother he had always been, crossing his arms over his chest with suspicion. "Uh, Kar, where are you going?"

Trying to move past him, but finding herself stubbornly blocked off, Karen only sighed as she looked at the floor. "I'm going to the Tucker's for tonight. Don't worry, her parents aren't home."

The relief that she would be close was short lived by Kenny realizing that she was avoiding him; this hurt more than the fight that he had been in earlier. If anyone was going to stick around for him, Kenny always thought it would be Karen. Now, he was starting to doubt she would come home tomorrow. "Did I.." Kenny started quietly, squeezing his arm like it would erase his fears. "Did I do something?"

Karen snapped her head up at her brother in surprise, only finding his usual bright eyes filled with pain. On top of that, she couldn't ignore the fighting wounds that littered his face; Karen knew that she had been a bit rude that morning, but she never expected it to hurt Kenny as badly as it obviously did. "Ken, no!" She pulled him in for a hug as she masked her silent sob, the memory of his eyes already haunting her. "I'm going through dumb teenage stuff, that's it. I'll talk to you when I'm ready, I promise."

Once released from the hug, Kenny scanned over his sister's face to make sure that she was being honest; he sighed with a small smile when he realized that she was. "I'm just glad you're okay. I-I was worried, but take all the time you need. I'm here for you. Always."

"Thanks, Ken." Karen replied with a small smile before she started past him down the stairs. Suddenly stopping, she snapped her fingers at herself like she had forgotten something, turning back to Kenny who was still at her door. "Oh yeah! I'll be back in the morning, and then I'm staying with Tricia while you have your party. And stop getting in fights! I love you, big brother."

He raked his brain trying to figure out how she knew about the party, nonetheless he nodded and said he loved her too as he watched her go. Kenny was comforted by the fact that she was experiencing a normal life within recent years, it was good to see her thrive. It seemed to Kenny that she was becoming more intelligent every time they spoke, and he was proud of her for being so different from the rest of their family. Kenny was never going to give up for her.

Hate My Guts (Kenny x Butters) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now