Chapter Nineteen

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[hello everyone! How is everybody today? I have some free time so this will be a long chapter, please enjoy this!]

Colby's POV
I feel someone shaking me, "mmm stop itttt," I pull whoever it was closer to me. 'This doesn't feel like (y/n) waist' I hear some giggling and some laughing. I shoot straight up bucking heads with the person I was holding onto. "Sorry Colby but hah, that was hilarious!" I look up to the voice to see Elton and push him. "I was hoping it was (y/n/n) and not you.." I feel a hand on mine giggling as a pout. "I tried to wake you up Colby, and you gotta hurry up or we'll end late for the carnival!" (Y/n) says getting up, "I'm gonna get ready in the bathroom, see ya!" She heads off to the bathroom laughing as she does.

~A few minutes later~ [enter sponge-bob meme]

"I'm ready, let's goooo!" (Y/n) yells, "I'm right behind you" I say and laugh as she jumps. "Sorry for scaring you but let's gooo!" I say starting to walk out the door with her hand in mine.

~When they get there~
Your POV
"Lets go on the Farris wheel!" Colby says pointing to the Farris wheel in the distance. "Hmmm sure!" I say grabbing his hand and starting to run. As we reach the Farris wheel, I feel a tug on my shirt and I look down to see a little boy. "Hi miss, I'm sorry but could you maybe help me find my mommy?" He says looking down. "Sure, me and Colby can do that for you. But first what's your name little dude, I'm (y/n)." I say squatting down and holding my hand out. "Oh I'm Lucas" instead of shaking my hand he hugs me. "Okay, now lets go find your mommy okay?" I say while we separate from the hug. [The picture above is what Lucas looks like. Remember him, he's gonna be a part of this story now] I pull Colby's hand with my left hand while Lucas holds my right, "now, what does she look like?" I ask him and look towards him. "Um she has black and green hair, she has a biker jacket and she is wearing weird clothes. It looks like a net on her legs" he says holding onto his stuff animal, "Okay, well I think I see her" Colby says pointing over to a group of people. "Can you guys come with me?" Lucas asks while looking at us, 'he seems scared, I wonder why?' I think to myself while I nod smiling at him gently. Once we head over there I tap the lady on her shoulder and as she turns around, her hair hits me on my face. "What do you want?" She asks rudely. "Your son was looking for you, I think you lost track of him." I smile trying not to bitch slap her for being so rude. "Idiot, why do you always have to run off somewhere. Your just like your father..... hmm, thanks for bringing him to me. Bye" she says grabbing his arm and pulling him with her along with a group of people. "Hey babe, I think the carnival is closing down soon. Wanna head out? Maybe get fast food through the drive-through?" Colby says wrapping his arm around my waist. "Yeah but I still wanna go on that Farris wheel!" I say and I start to jump up and down. "Okay sparky, lets go onto the Farris wheel!" He pulls my arm and starts to walk towards the Farris wheel.

~Time skipppp to after the ride featuring Colby's hotness~ 😂

"I'm tired" I say while walking hand in hand with Colby. "Hey one sec. I gotta call Sam, be right back" Colby says walking into the bathroom. I sit down and scroll through my phone, but stop once I hear what seems to be like someone whimpering 'what's that sound'. I head over to behind a stand to see the same boy from earlier, "hey you okay?" I ask, and I seem to have scared him since he jumped a bit. "No... my mommy left me... she doesn't want me anymore..." he tries saying while he starts to cry a bit more, "Hey it's okay, how about this. You come and stay with me and a couple of friend okay?" I say calmly while rubbing his back. "Really?.." he sniffles and looks up with hope in his eyes. "Yes really" I smile and he embraces me into a hug. "(Y/N), (y/n)! Where did you go?" I hear Colby yelling, "let's go now!" I say while I pick him up and walk over to Colby. "Hey Colby, I'm fine. I need to talk to you at the car for a second okay? And you Lucas can sit in the back, and wait for us for a bit Okay?" I get no respond and look at his face to see him asleep. 'Aww he's such a cutie!' I think to my self "Yeah that's fine, let's hurry though" he says and puts him arm around my waist again.

~Time skipppp~
Colby's POV
As soon as we got back the the house I talked to the roommates about Lucas and why he's gonna be staying with us, and (y/n) took her and Lucas us to the room. "Yeah it's totally fine dude, he looks like a cute kid. And I mean, what kind of sick fuck of a mother would do that to a kid?" [the mother in this story 😑] Sams says crossing his arms. "Well imma sleep, see ya guys tomorrow!" I say heading up to the room and seeing (y/n) and Lucas peacefully asleep. I lay on the outside while Lucas is in the middle of both me and (y/n). "Goodnight, I love you (y/n)...             

And Lucas" I smile falling into a deep slumber.

[How was it? Did you enjoy it! Well I hope you did, cause I enjoyed writing this chapter. Let's see what the future bring with little Lucas in the picture now! So enjoy!]

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