Chapter Twenty

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Lucas POV (Yay! 😂)
I wake up to a light in my face and put my face into a pillow. 'Huh?! Wait a pillow?' I shoot up and look around to see the same couple from yesterday looking at a computer. Soon mo-miss (y/n) looks over at me and smiles. "Oh good afternoon Lucas! I didn't want to wake you up this morning so I let you sleep in" she says kneeling next to the bed which I'm on. "Thank you miss!" I say hugging her. I hear the guy chuckle from behind her. "So I found your moms number and we'll be talking to her today, would you like to come or would you like to stay with our friends here?" Miss (y/n) says as we break from our hug. "Can I go with you guys? I want to get my stuffed animal.." I ask pulling my knees to my chest and hugging them. The guy come over and sits on the bed and smiles, "of course you can, then after how about we go and get something you like for some late lunch?" He says and hugs miss (y/n). I nod but look at him in confusion, "um what's your name sir?" After I ask I get a laugh from him. "You don't have to call me Sir or her Miss hah, my name is Colby. You can call me anything you'd like-" "same goes for me!" (Y/n) says interrupting him. She laughs and soon looks over at me, "well let's get going, but before we go. I got you a outfit, I'm sorry if you don't like it, we can go and buy you something else if you'd like!" She says handing me a yellow cat onesie. "It's okay, I like it vewy much!" I hug both of them thanking them. 'I'm really glad I asked for their help!'

~Time skip to Lucas' mom meeting up with you and colbae hehe~

Your POV
Once we got to the house the lady told us she was living at, we parked and I opened the back door for Lucas to get out. I close the door and join Colby at the front door. I knock on the door and hear some yelling of someone saying that they were coming. They soon open the door fast, "ah hello ma'm, ah I see you have Lucas. I'll get Maxine for ya. Come inside and have a seat" the man at the door opens it wider for us to come in. We all sit down and Lucas grabs a cat stuffed animal, I'm assuming that's the stuffed animal he came for. The same lady who I saw at the carnival can and say across from me on a old one seat couch. "Oh I see you brought him back. Well thank you, and goodbye.-" I interrupt her "actually ma'm, I was wondering if I could talk to you alone." I ask and she smiles at me "sure, the remote is right there if you want to watch tv." She points out for Colby and Lucas. Me and her head over to the kitchen and have a seat on a surprisingly clean chair.

"So what would you like to talk about?"




"I want to ask if I could take custody of Lucas and adopt him?"



[sorry but I'm leaving you there! See you guys in the next chapter, sorry to cut it short]

(Katrina has a little sister!?) Colby Brock x Reader Where stories live. Discover now