Vulnerable Pt 1

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*Aunt May and Uncle Ben do not exist*

A five year old Peter cried as he looked around for his parents. There had been an attack on the science museum and through all the chaos they had been separated. He stood between two tall buildings all alone.

Suddenly he heard a noise. A loud crash sounded above him and he craned his tiny head up. There above him was a tall man who was jumping out of a window, glass showering the ground below. Peter gasped and tried to hide.

With his exceptionally advanced senses, the Winter Soldier heard the child's gasp and his deadly glare turned to him. Peter began to sob, his little body shaking. The brainwashed deadly assassin merely glanced at the boy before jumping down in front of him.

The small boy screamed and tried to run, but the Soldier was quicker. The man in front of him had long dark hair, cold, steely blue eyes, and the thing that stood out most was the metal arm with a red star stamped at the top. The child had heard the stories of the man with the metal arm, going around and killing without mercy. The five year old was terrified and it was clear as his small voice cut through the clearing.

"M-mr. Winter S-soldier sir? I'm sorry. I don't wanna die." Peter cried and plopped down on the ground, curling into a ball.

The soldier stopped, he paused but he couldn't figure out why. Killing was the one thing he did and he usually thought nothing of it. No matter who it was. But the young child held a place in his heart, like someone from a long ago memory that he could no longer reach.

"Go little one." The soldier's voice was emotionless but the child instantly jumped to his feet ready to sprint away. Until he remembered the reason he had been there in the first place.

"I can't go Mr Winter Soldier sir. M-my mommy and my daddy are gone. I can't f-find them." Fresh tears sprang into the child's eyes and once again the soldier found his heart tugging at the sight.

The man debated with himself. He could not fail the mission but his heart would not allow him to hurt or leave the boy. He was vulnerable and that was unacceptable. Reaching a decision, he grabbed the child and continued on his way.

"Where are we going Mr soldier sir?" The child sounded bubblier, as if he hadn't been crying only a moment earlier. The man said nothing, but moved swiftly through the alleyways to his destination.

"Here kid." He sat the young Peter in the middle of an alley that would lead to the authorities. The child smiled, small dimples appearing on his chubby cheeks.

"Thanks Mr Winter Soldier sir!" The child smiled again and ran out of the alleyway. The soldier sighed, but immediately returned to an emotionless state once the young Peter was gone.

"I'm Peter Parker by the way." He froze in surprise but only granted the child a single nod before leaving again.

A few minutes later Peter found himself in front of a police station. He looked around slowly before walking up to the door. Unbeknownst to the child the soldier was watching from an adjacent rooftop.

When an officer exited the building, Peter ran up to her and tugged on her pants leg. He was bubbly as he asked for her help. The soldier who was watching across the street left satisfied, his lips twitching slightly. He had completed two missions today.

*Timeskip-one year later*

"We're looking for a Peter Parker."

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