Vibranium Rings-PeterxShuri

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Edit: I AM SO SORRY IM HORRIBLE this was supposed to be published two weeks ago and I just found out it wasn't ugh I'm sorry

I know, I know Finally! I've updated lol it's summer so I sleep for like twelve hours during the day and then I get dragged to places I don't wanna go but here you are at last*
*continuation of 'On a date...kinda nervous'*
~I love the way this dress looks on her and of course Tom looking like a whole snack in his suit~ ; ) Also the first ring on the left is what he uses and the second ones are their like friendship rings for later 😅

Peter and Shuri had kept up the facade that they were dating for months. They sent one another gifts and talked on the phone for hours smiling and laughing.

When it came time for Tony to visit Wakanda, he brought Peter along thinking it would be unfair to not let him see his 'girlfriend.' Though Tony and T'Challa still shuddered at the thought, they didn't try to keep them apart.

Meanwhile, in Wakanda, Shuri had the perfect ending to the plan. She had designed a certain object and she couldn't wait to use it. She laughed to herself down in her lab and waited for Peter to arrive.

When the two geniuses arrived, the king, the princess, and their mother were waiting to greet them. Shuri ran towards Peter and like a cliche, she jumped into his arms and he caught her by her thighs. (I want this relationship, but alas I shall be forever single) Tony and T'Challa watched borderline horrified, but Ramonda who was in on the prank just smiled.

"Hey princess." Shuri smiled and smacked his shoulder.

"Alright, you can put me down now Spidey." Peter laughed and let her down.

"Come on I'll show you my lab." The two friends head towards the famous labs of Shuri.

The two spent hours tinkering with different projects. Peter was having a great time, but he was wondering how they were going to progress with the prank.

"Okay... so for the final phase of this, we're going to get 'married.' I've made the perfect ring. But we need to plan out an awesome fake proposal."

And so they planned the most elaborate fake proposal in the history of fake proposals. They would go on a 'date' and when they returned, they would make sure the performance was very public. After that, they would run away to 'elope' during which time the prank would be revealed.

Peter and Shuri could barely contain their excitement as they left to get dressed. They had already picked gorgeous outfits for the occasion.

When the time came for them to leave, they were giggling nervously and they couldn't stop smiling. The sight made Romanda smile. She was glad Shuri had a friend like Peter. T'Challa and Tony, however, we're freaking out.

"You don't think this will last, do you?" Tony was nervous and for once it was showing on his face.

"Only time will tell." The two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

********Le time skip bc ms author has never been on a date soo I don't know how that works lol*************

When Peter and Shuri returned from their date, the house (more like palace) was quiet. Shuri shook her head and motioned for Peter to cover his ears. Confused he did as she told him. Shuri dropped to the ground and screamed at a pitch so high it could break glass. (Don't know if this is humanly possible lol)

In the blink of an eye, what seemed like hundreds of people filed in alarmed, Tony and T'Challa included. Peter had a moment of realization when he saw all the people. This was the moment. Shuri smirked at Peter before standing quickly.

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