Fourth Wall Who?//Crack Chapter

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*Crack chapter because I'm working on two hopefully good chapters and they may take a while so here ya go.*

Peter was watching High School Musical as no one was in the tower and just as he got ready to sing, a loud crash resonated through the tower.

"FRIDAY what was that?" Peter shut off the tv and went to get his suit.

"It appears to be you sir." Peter stopped confused.

"Show me footage FRI."

The AI pulled up a video of a guy that looked exactly like Peter. Stunned, Peter just stared. The look-alike appeared to be sleep walking into everything glass related in the tower. Peter snapped out of his daze and went to investigate.

When he reached the floor that his look-alike was on, Peter wasn't sure if he should continue alone. Glass shards littered the floor and he could see trails of blood from what he would guess was an injury. As he got closer he could hear off-key singing.

"WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!" The look alike stood in the middle of the room dancing to the High School Musical soundtrack.Peter just shrugged and decided to join in.

"NOW WE STAND HAND IN HAND WERE ALL STARS AND WE SEE THAT." The two boys screamed out the words and continued to do so, unaware of the Avengers returning.

Peter and the look-alike (who's name was Tom) were screaming and dancing and having a good time.

"What in the actual fuck is going on??" Tony spoke from behind the two and they whirled around so fast they could've gotten whiplash.

"Oh...hey Mr. Stark."  Peter waved and laughed nervously.

"Hey Rob... I mean Tony. Wassup?" Tom laughed at the startled look on Tony's face.

Meanwhile the other Avengers wanted to get in on the High School Musical party. They turned the music back in and soon everyone was screaming the words.


Hours later everyone was tired out and just lay in the floor of the room exhausted. It had been a fun bonding time for the Avengers  and Peter's British look-alike. Tom looked at his watch and shot up.

"Oh shoot...gotta get back to my universe. This was fun guys but I gotta go." And with that Tom disappeared into a puff of smoke and was never heard from again.


I know, I know. What a sucky crack chapter... I'm learning okay? Anyway still working on those other two chapters that hopefully turn out at least decent soo yeah.

Sayonara ✌️

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