Vulnerable Pt. 3

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*Sorry guys! I know it's been so long but online and in general school has been a real pain. I'll try to get into a more dedicated update schedule but I'm not sure yet. Also we've hit 1k reads! THANKS SO MUCH GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️
Hope everyone is okay and safe during the quarantine 🥰————————————————————
Throughout the years Peter had changed a lot. From lack of human interaction, he became quiet and reserved. Technically speaking, he was a ward of the state, so he couldn't go to school, instead he went to the library as often as he could and taught himself.

Eight years had passed since he'd run away from things he didn't want to face. Now though, as he looked at his reflection wearing his only nice clothes, he wondered if that life would have been better.

Despite his living circumstances and his insecurities about his intelligence, Peter had a meeting at Oscorp with a Gwen Stacy in exactly fifty minutes and counting. He was nervous and his hands shook as he pushed open the door to the restroom. He waved to Mr. Delmar as he made his way out of the little sandwich shop.

Tying to be optimistic, Peter walked with his head held high, giving himself a mental pep talk. His steps were long as he tried to maneuver his way through the busy Queens streets. He glanced down at the watch on his wrist, sighing as he realized he'd have to run to make the train. The ride was around 30-40 minutes and he had less than an hour to be there, so with a groan he picked up the pace.

Just barely on time, Peter slipped through the closing doors of the train and found a seat away from people. He had no problem with people, he just wasn't the best at communicating with them. Of course, he was a perfect gentleman when it came to greeting and departures and even small talk. What he wasn't good at was making friends, having actual conversations with people. His heart seemed to stand still in his chest, his palms would began to sweat, and the world around him would blur.

To avoid any catastrophic situations, Peter tried to keep to himself. During the train ride, Peter read. Currently he was reading a book by Dr. Bruce Banner known notoriously as the Hulk, but Peter was most impressed with his scientific work. As he read, his mind drifted from Hulk to the Winter Soldier.

Peter thought about that night all those years ago almost every day. The thought of being rescued gave him hope and hope was a very important thing to have for someone in his position. His eyes drifted and he stared into nothing, dreaming of a life that he wished he had.

A short while later, the train came to a stop and Peter tried to prepare himself for his interview. He glanced at his watch to see he still had ten minutes before he was to go and meet Gwen. He took a slow breath in and made his way to the huge Oscorp building.

——————-Skippy Do ———————

"Mr. Parker?" A soft voice belonging to the one and only Gwen Stacy broke the silence.

Peter looked up to see a girl smiling at him. She looked to be no more than five or six years older than him, but her aura screamed professional. Her blond hair was back in a sleek ponytail and she was dressed impeccably in a black pencil skirt topped with a cream colored blouse under a black cardigan.

"I'm Peter ma'am." He stood, somewhat nervously as her gaze shifted to him.

"Excellent. Now Mr. Parker if you'll follow me, we can get started with the interview right away."

Following after her, Peter looked around in awe at all of the technology obviously present in the building. As they walked, his eyes caught many different displays and he had to hold back the urge to run up and explore each one.

"-is our spider exhibit. These spiders have extraordinary 'abilities' and Oscorp is working on using them to cure innumerable medical problems. You can wait here while I go get Mr. Haran." Before he could open his mouth she was walking away.

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