Vulnerable Pt. 2

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*Finally writing this! I'm gonna try to get as many one-shots as possible out because I go back to school in two weeks four days and honors classes don't do good for free time 😂*
Also almost 400 reads??!!! THANKS SO MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS 💕

Peter had been sitting in the police station for hours when a lady approached him, a soft look on her face.

"Hello Peter, I'm May-Ella but you can call me May. I'm going to take you home to pack your things okay?"

Peter nodded his head and hopped down from his seat. Mayela held out her hand and he gladly accepted it, craving for a comforting touch. As they walked out of the station, Peter felt a deep sadness and he knew that he'd never be able to shake it off.

                   ——-skip car ride———
When they arrived at his house, Peter immediately jumped out of the car, running up to the front door. The door stood wide open, and people he'd never seen before moved about sorting his parents' belongings.

He wanted to cry as he watched his childhood get packed up. Peter was one of the bubbliest kids you would ever meet, but at that moment he felt vulnerable and scared. His mommy and dada wouldn't come back, they were gone.

Peter ran to his room, tears streaming down his bright red chubby cheeks. The first thing he noticed when he entered was that none of his things had been touched yet. He walked over to his bedside table and picked up the picture that sat there. He smiled sadly as he remembered the time one year earlier when he had lost his parents at the science museum and the Winter Soldier had helped him.

The picture had been taken by the officer Peter had asked for help. The lady had walked with Peter and even put out an alert until they had found the two frantic Parkers looking for their son. He wished he could go back to that morning, to tell his parents to stay. He kept hold of the picture as he went to his closet to get his only suitcase.

After packing the majority of his clothes, (he was six he didn't have that many.) Peter made his way silently to the kitchen. He found as much canned and non-perishable food as he could. He didn't know how long he'd be living out in the streets, but he didn't want to take any chances.

It was eerily quiet as Peter made his way back to his room. He couldn't see any of the people that had been roaming his house and though he wanted to be alone earlier, at that moment the house felt too empty.

When he arrived back at his room, Peter stuffed as much of the food as he could into his suitcase. The few items that didn't fit went into a small string bag that attached to the front of the suitcase.

Peter sighed sadly before hoisting the suitcase up on his back (it's like a backpack basically) and opening his window. He looked around his room one last time before lowering himself out of the window carefully. Making sure the coast was clear, Peter looked both ways before running in the opposite direction of his house. The next phase of his life would be hard. Peter wasn't prepared, but he would soon grow accustomed to living a hard life.

                                                                          *Three Days Later*

When he had gotten too tired to run anymore, Peter found himself in a part of the city he had never been in. Being only six, Peter hadn't gotten to explore much of the city. He was certain though, that he was in a bad part of the city. 

Peter decided to stay there. He wandered for hours trying to find an alleyway or abandoned building he could find refuge in. Finally, he found a relatively clean alley out of view from the street and small enough to not be of use. And so it became Peter's new home


I am so sorry this is so short and horrible. I neede to get the part about him running away before I can get the really good part finished. It's kinda patchy right now, but hopefully, it gets better!

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