Yoga Class

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* This chapter is dedicated to thesisterofdragons , Alexlightzabeer , and FuntimeRoxie87  I hope you guys like it 😂 * ~Pretty much Peter being a clumsy lil bean~ :)
Peter grudgingly made his way to the studio doors. He had lost a bet with Clint and as you may have guessed his punishment was attending a yoga class. So here he was at eight o'clock in the morning.

Peter knew with only the smallest of doubts that this would be embarrassing. He wanted nothing more than to melt into the ground at that moment.

When the secretary called for the Yoga Class, Peter wanted to run out and never return, but he also knew Clint would find an even worse way to get back at him. And so, Peter followed the group into a large room.

"Welcome back ladies...and boy." Peter's head twirled towards the direction of the voice. Wasn't that...oh was Thor. In...leggings?

" of spiders. Nice to see you again." Peter just looked around confused.

"You're a yoga instructor?"

"Gotta do something in my freetime." Thor patted his head roughly and turned away. Thor is a yoga instructor. Why is he a yoga instructor? Peter shook his head,he just needed to complete one class and then he didn't have to think about it anymore.

"Alright, this first pose is called the spiderman." Peter rolled his eyes, they definitely planned this.

Well, he thought, it is pretty cool that I have a pose named after me.

Peter easily climbed up on the ropes and hung upside down. He looked down at the floor and laughed.

"Wow this is fun." He laughed and swung himself forward slightly.

Underestimating his grip on the ropes, Peter fell off and landed on the floor with an 'umph.' Thor's laughter could be heard from across the room and Peter held his head and mumbled under his breath,

"I'm spiderman and i can't even do the stupid pose. Well at least it isn't as horrible as I thought it would be." He shook himself and then rejoined the group like nothing had happened.

After a few minutes, Thor clapped his hands and Peter watched as the ladies in the room slowly made their way down from the ropes. Peter just shrugged and flipped down. He felt eyes on him and he blushed. (Bc he's so pure oh my goodness ❤️)

Thor looked at his wrist and his eyes widened comically. Peter wasn't paying any attention, instead he was unconsciously pacing around his little mat.

"Welp guys, looks like Jeremy will be joining you sooner than I thought. I have business to attend to. Until next time." Thor was suddenly holding mjölnir and donned in his battle clothes.

The women continued on as if this was a regular occurrence and Peter was baffled. Before he could think too much on the matter, another guy walked into the room.

"Hey guys, I see Thor had to step out again. Let's continue shall we." There were multiple greeting and words of agreement passed.

"Okay first, we're gonna go on to a nice easy warm up. I want you to slowly lower yourself into a bridge or back bend if you will. Like so." Jermey demonstrated the pose and minimal chatter spread around the room.

Peter thought the pose was easy enough and immediately bent back. Hie head went down so fast, that his nose hit his ankle and he ended up flipping into an unintentional handspring. He almost landed, but due to the unexpected momentum he fell flat in his face. Luckily no one was actually paying attention to him this time. He went back into the pose slower, until Jeremy spoke up.

"Alright, next we're going to do what I call the slingshot but you can call it whatever you want. Take your leg, whichever you prefer, and lift it from the back as far as you can to your head/shoulder." Peter watched at the guy pulled his leg and could tell that Jermey wasn't as flexible as some people.

Peter tried to be careful, he really did. But him and careful apparently don't work out. First his leg was straight up when he pulled it and then he fell face first. Again. Wow h me was really falling a lot today. But what really had everyone concerned was that when he fell his leg was still perfectly straight by his head and his other leg was perfectly straight where it should be.

"Oh my god...dude are you okay??!!" Jeremy rushes over to Peter who was casually laying in the floor as if he hadn't just fallen into a split, something that should have been painful.

Peter rilled his other leg over and he just sat there doing a bow pose. Jeremy just shook his head flabbergasted (lol big words) before slowly walking away.

"Oh-kayyy. I think we'll end class at that today. I need some therapy so I'll see you Thursday." The guy practically ran out of the room and Peter sighed disappointed. He was actually having fun. Maybe he'd come back on Thursday.


Welp, there you have it folks. First kinda request. Eh I don't know if it's very good but I tried. I don't think I'll make a part two unless you want a part two.

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Anyways hasta la vista ✌️

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