Day 2

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This ones short but I thought of it while cleaning and thought it was funny!

Peter hummed a Katy Perry song under his breath as he stood in the elevator. The sing had been playing while he was at Wade's house and now it was stuck in his head. He continued to hum as the doors opened and as he made his way to the kitchen.

He pulled out some bread and ingredients to make a sandwich, all the while still humming the song. He only stopped to take a bite of the sandwich he had made. After deeming his creation satisfactory, he made his way to his room, a slight bounce in his step.

When he got to his room, he finished his sandwich and then started on his homework. Once his homework was done, he spent a few hours watching YouTube videos.

When four o'clock rolled around he got his suit and went on patrol. It went relatively well, considering what he's gotten into on patrol before. He sat for a while on top of a random building—which was routine at this point. Peter started to swing back to the tower, the sing popping into his head again. But this time it was a little....different.

"I kissed a boy and I liked it. Got on my knees and sucked his-"

"Peter, YOU DID WHAT!!??"

And that's how Peter Parker was found splatted on the cement, humming Katy Perry.


Soooo yes this sucks but hey I thought it was funny 😂 it was kinda funny...right? No? Okay well here it is anyway. Love you all, be safe out there <3

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