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*Doesn't really follow the timeline...I just wanted to write this as I just watched CA:TFA again and I'm sad soo here's some idk kinda angst but really fluff??* -Also not sure who the artist is but I found it on Pinterest : )
Steve shot up from his sleep. It was late and he had been dreaming of Bucky again. He got up from his bed and made his way into the living room.

The image of Bucky falling from the train was running through his head and he couldn't get over it. He couldn't seem to shake the feeling of guilt pressing heavily down on him. He sighed, sitting down on the couch and staring at the dark wall.

A dark wall, that's what I am.

So Steve sat awake on the couch, memories of him and his best friend running through his head. He sat all night, not even budging when the room began to get light or when the rest of the team began to trickle in.

Natasha was the first to notice that something was wrong. She walked over to him silently and sat down beside him. She sat silent for a moment, knowing that he wasn't okay.

"Hey Captain." Her voice was light and slightly joking but the undertone was soft and worried.

Steve didn't say anything for a while. His head still wrapped up in memories. One memory specifically.

"Don't call me that...I don't deserve that title." He sounded angry, but Natasha knew it wasn't directed at her, but at himself.

None of the Avengers really knew Steve's past. The only thing they knew for certain was that he had been frozen in ice for seventy-ish years and was now a hero in their time. So when Steve has his days where he felt guilty about Bucky falling and he thought of all the things he should have done, no one knew what to do. They didn't know why he was upset.

Steve knew he could talk to them. Deep down, though, he knew he was afraid of what they'd say. He had no rational reason to be scared, he knew that what really had him hesitant was reopening the emotional scars and reliving his past.

***********Le Green Rock Pass brought to you by Dr. Strange ***********

Hours later, the tower was quiet and the team were doing various activities. Steve sat on the couch still, refusing to eat or move. The team was worried but they didn't know what to do.

Everyone had gathered around Steve on the couch to watch a movie when the elevator dinged. No one paid much attention to it as the ding was soft, but Tony got up to 'investigate.'

When he turned the corner, he saw the kid (we should all be well aware of who this is at this point) in his suit carrying an unconscious man in his arms. Tony could do nothing but gasp, the man looked like he'd had it rough and after another inspection, Tony noticed his left arm was metal.

"Kid..excuse my language but..what the fuck?!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark, I know you told me to stay away from the dangerous stuff, but there was a suspicious looking van and I had to check it out. And then when I got there I found out they were HYDRA agents and this guy," he gestured to the man, " was a captive. And then he like woke up and then went right back out. So I knocked out the guys and called Mr. Fury and he came and handled it. But he told me I could bring this dude here and that's why I didn't come home last night." Tony shook his head at the kid. Always so talkative.

"Come on, bring him in the living room. See if we can wake him up and ask him some questions." Peter nodded and took off his mask.

The two-well three-travelled the few steps back to the living room. At first no one noticed the unconscious man in the boy's arms. When they did, questions were flying out of their mouths and Peter began to get dizzy as his senses tried to pick up every one. His hands unconsciously flew up to his ears and the man dropped to the floor with a 'thud' effectively waking him. Peter's eyes widened and he gasped.

"I am sooo sorry Mr. Barnes, sir. I swear I didn't mean to drop you..." Peter rambled on, but the man on the floor wasn't listening. He was scanning his surroundings.

He stood up slowly, he didn't know these people. Therefore he didn't trust them. He looked around at the people crowded around him. There was one other person in the room and he was oddly familiar to the man.Steve only glanced over to the group, but one glance was enough.

"Steve?" The questions faded. Steve was silent but curious.

"Steve?! Oh my god, I thought you would've been dead by now." At this Steve looked up and his heart stopped.

The man in front of him looked like Bucky, he sounded like Bucky. But he watched Bucky fall, no one could survive that. How was he here now?

"Bucky?" The man smirked.

"The one and only." The team watched as Steve flew from the couch and tackled the man into a hug.

"Bucky! But you died...I'm sorry I should've caught you. How are you not dead?"

"Well, I didn't die (obviously) but my arm unfortunately didn't make it," he pointed to his left arm, "then those HYDRA bastards put me in some kind of freezer and when I woke up again I'm in a completely different time. I don't know where they were taking me, but it couldn't have been good. I don't remember much of what happened, but that kid over there probably saved my life."

Everyone turned to look at Peter who was holding his ears. They were still ringing and he couldn't stop it. He stood there for a second, before realizing that everyone was looking at him.

"Oh, sorry. Mild sensory overload." No one said anything and he smiled awkwardly.


"Oh! Peter, oh my god thank you." Steve ran over and squished Peter into a hug that would've probably crushed him if he didn't have his powers.

"Uh...you're welcome?" Peter could still feel a slight ringing in his ears but he tried to keep up.

"Wait, why are you thanking me?"

"This is Bucky. We grew up together and we fought together. And then...then I watched him fall off a train. I should've done something more to save him." The team looks on in sympathy as his voice cracked and tears rolled down his face.

"Steve, I don't blame you. Okay? I know it's not your fault and besides I'm here now. I know I was gone back then, but I'm here now." Nicky's arms went around his friend.

"We're together now, and I'm never leaving again."

The two sat catching up for the rest of the day. It was clear to the team, that Bucky really had a positive impact in Steve. They couldn't help but smile as the two joked and laughed. They were glad they had found each other again.

Kinda bad I think, but I needed to write it 😢. I love the winter soldier don't get me wrong, but i just needed them to reunite without yknow trying to kill each other 😅 anywaysss... hope you liked it.

Aloha ✌️

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