Day 3

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Hiii obviously it's not day 3 buttt I got sick and then I got lazy but I'm still gonna do one for everyday tho. Hopefully all of these are done before June is over sooo yeah. Just warning y'all a lot of them are really short 😂 please enjoy 😊

Harley is standing in the corner, arms crossed with a perplexed look on his face when Tony walks up.

"Whatcha thinking there Harls?" Tony laughed slapping him on the back.

"Well you know Peter is like the sun to me..."

"Aww, because he's the light of your life. That's nice Harley." Tony went to move away but Harley wasn't finished.

"No... it's because the longer I stare at him, the more I regret it." Harley shook his head, looking up once again at Peter. Tony looked down, concerned.

"O-oh, but you do love him? Right?" He didn't want to have to kill Harley, but if he broke Peter's heart...

"Of course I love him, Tony," he rolled his eyes, "all I'm saying is—" He was cut off when he heard footsteps rushing towards them.

Around the corner came Peter. He was covered completely in rainbow attire. He had made an entirely separate suit that was rainbow themed, his "web shooters" instead of webs shot rainbow confetti, and to pull it all together, he was wearing an elegant rainbow cape.

"Look babe...I'm a gay superhero!!" Peter ran around them, showing off the flow of his cape.

"Oh my Thor...." Harley face palmed as Peter gasps and looks up at him.

"I'M SUPERGAY!!" Peter giggles before running from the room.

Harley turned to Tony stunned. The two just stared at each other for a good five minutes before they recovered from their shock. Tony ran his head down his face and just shook his head with a chuckle. Harley meanwhile...

"I take it back..... I love him just the way he is."

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