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OKAY GUYSSSS. So I'm straight and I didn't know Pride Month was June (I might be wrong but I looked it up) and I love all my queer babies out there and since my birthday is in June (the 26th for anyone who cares) I decided to do a short one shot for every day of pride month. Now I know you're all thinking..woman you can barely update once every three months. I know, I know but I'm starting in advance and like I said they'll be short. Also if someone could pleaseee request for these or let me know if I get anything wrong bc again I'm straight but I reallly love the lgbtq+ community. Most of these will probably be crack chapter also just because I don't want to offend anyone but if you guys want I can do angst and fluff and suspense and all that Jazz too 😂 Okay onward this is a longggg authors note. In honor of Tommy turning 24 today!! Happy Birthday Tom 🥳🥳
Peter paced his room as he thought about the boy Tony had invited to the tower. Apparently, he'd been a big help to Tony when he was in trouble a few years ago. Peter had no problem with him. He was nice and funny and smart and cute. And that's what had Peter confused.

'Since when did I think boys were cute?'

He couldn't wrap his mind around it. He liked MJ....but he couldn't help but think of Harley's dimples, Harley's smile, Harley's hair... Harley's everything. He wasn't stupid he knew what it meant to like girls and boys. He was just....confused. It had never occurred to him before that maybe he was bisexual.

He thought it over, a million thoughts racing through his head as he starting thinking of a few occasions that he remembered but hadn't paid any mind to. Like the time he was watching Star Wars and thought Anakin was cute.

"Oh my god. I'm a bi mess." Peter mumbled to himself before making an essentially stupid decision.

Leaving his room he went to find Harley. First he checked the boy's room. When he didn't find him in his room he checked the kitchen, the common, and even the labs but he wasn't there. He finally remembered that he could just ask FRIDAY. He facepalmed, scolding himself for being so stupid.

"FRIDAY, where's Harley?" Peter looked up, even though he knew she wasn't physically there.

"Mr. Keener appears to be sitting on the roof."

"Thanks Friday!" Peter made his way to the roof and questioned his sanity in making this decision.

He took the steps to the roof slowly. As he got closer to the roof he started to get nervous. What if's ran through his head and he almost turned around. But when he was a mere foot from the door, he heard Harley muttering along with the occasional banging noise.

"Gosh why does he have to be so cute," a small clang, "with his stupid curly hair and his stupid pretty eyes and his stupid genius brain. Probably doesn't even like you like that Harley stop being stupid, you're a mess." A larger clang sounded and Harley let out a curse before Peter decided to make his way into the roof.

When he opened the door, Harley was shirtless and he was working on an old engine, most likely from one of Tony's cars. Peter made his way out and tried not to stare at Harley's toned stomach. He cleared his throat when the boy didn't acknowledge his arrival.

Peter giggled a bit—yes giggled— when Harley jumped at least a foot in the air. Harley turned towards him with a mock glare but he couldn't stay serious once he saw the smile on Peter's face. He sighed, putting down the wrench in his hand.

"Hey darlin' what can I do you for?" Harley smirked as he saw Peter's cheeks turn red.

"W-well, um, I just wanted to talk to you. A-about something important." Peter rubbed his hand on the back of his neck looking down at the tools on the floor.

"You know you can talk to me. What's got you all flustered?"

"I just...I wasn't sure at first. I-I've never had a feeling like this before. I just couldn't stop thinking about you... y'know? With your stupid cute dimples and your amazing southern accent and the way you can keep up when I ramble and I just I like you a lot Harls. I had to tell you before it tore me up inside and I underst-" Peter was cut off when Harley pulled him close and placed a featherlight kiss on his lips.

"I like you too darlin', I like you a whole lot." And then there was nothing but the two boys staring at each other.

Harley has Peter in his lap now, both of them sitting on the floor of the roof. Peter hymen's softly as Harley's hands woven through his hair. There were no words exchanged, just a comfortable silence. They sat for hours working and enjoying each other's presence. As the sun began to set and they grew tired the fell asleep, cuddled together on the roof.


Tony looked at his watch and sighed, he'd forgotten about dinner again. He stood and stretched waiting for the satisfying pop when he reached the right spot. He walked out of the lab to search for his basically sons—not that he'd admit that—but he couldn't find them anywhere. He walked out into the common room to find the team gathered for movie night, but no sign of the two teens.

"Have any of you seen Peter and Harley?" Everyone but Natasha and Bucky jumped at the sound of his voice.

"No, we thought they were with you. We haven't seen them all day."

"Just ask FRIDAY idiots." Natasha rolled her eyes whilst casually flipping a knife.


"Mr. Keener and Mini Boss are on the roof, sir." Questioning looks passed between the team.

"We'll, what're they doing on the roof?"

"They appears to be sleeping, boss." Tony sighed, of course they were.

"I'll go up and get them, you guys can go ahead and start." Without waiting for a reply, Tony started towards the roof.

When he got there he almost laughed at the sight. Instead, he smiled. He knew his two boys would get along—granted he's didn't think it'd be so well. He brought out his phone and took a picture before leaving the two boys to sleep. It was summer so the night would be warm, plus they had each other. He closed the door and headed back to the team with only one thing on his mind.

They're going to give me grey hairs.

This was actually really easy to write and I was gonna make it funny but it's kind of an actual plot soo yeahhh. Thinking on it I have no jeans if I'll be able to do these everyday but I'll try : )
Anyways hope you enjoyed it, be safe out there babies. <3

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