The SKYY And The Stars

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"Braaaaaaaaaaaaadyyyyyyyy," I called out to the boy that I called my best friend.

"Yes, Lyrie?" He said walking up to me.

I wrapped my arms around him, "I love you Brady. Did you know that? Even if you were going to toss me into the pool!"

He chuckled and hugged me back, "I love you too. Even if you made us sit through dress shopping when you already had one."

"It was funny." I smiled up at him. Well, sorta. Brady was only 2 inches taller than I was.

He just gave me an 'are you insane' look and I laughed.

I made my way up the stairs. Halfway up, I felt dizzy. Waoh, head rush. I suppose I need to cut myself off. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I was about to go back into the basement when I noticed Charlie (or as Brady liked to refer to him, Bongo) was scratching at the back door. I let him back in. These boys suck at remembering to do this. I walked out to the yard and gazed at the sky. The stars were in full swing tonight. This is beautiful. Theres nothing quite as comforting as the stars in the sky shining down on me. I hopped into the hammock, which is quite difficult when you are slightly inebriated, and settled down. I pulled my Ipod out and stuck in my headphones. I was deeply lost in thought when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped and turned to see who it was. Dalton was standing before me.

"Sorry, didnt mean to scare you." He said to me.

I took out my headphones and replied, "Its alright. I just wasnt expecting anyone to find me."

"I was always great at hide and seek," Dalton joked.

I couldnt help but laugh, "Ah, yes I remember. Wanna sit?"

"Sure thing." I sat up so Dalton could get in the hammock with me. "Here, let me get a blanket first."

"Its fine. Im not even really cold."

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Really? Because I can see goosebumps rising on your skin."

I ran my fingers down my arm and sure enough I was freezing. "Ha, I guess you're right. I must've just gotten use to it."

He smiled, "Yeah, not good. I'll be right back."

Dalton was back in no time and climbing in the hammock with me. He put the blanket over us. We laid there under the stars just talking about life. I looked over at him and he turned his head to see me. Damn, when did this boy get so cute. I smiled at him and he put his arm around me. We went back to talking about the upcoming tour and finishing up their new EP.

I awoke to what felt like droplets of water hitting my face. My eyes fluttered opened and the noise of sprinklers filled my ears. I glanced around and noticed the sun was starting to rise. I nudged Dalton to wake up. He groaned and shoved my hand away. I tried again and felt the cold water hit my back. Dammit this shit is fucking cold. Dalton you need to wake up now before they hi-. My thoughts were interrupted by the water splashing Dalton in the face and him falling outta the hammock from shock. I wanted to laugh but knew we needed to make a run for it. I grabbed Daltons hand to pull him up and we dashed across the yard to the back door. By the time we made it, we were soaked. The door was thankfully open. We got inside and I started shivering.

Dalton looked at me concerned, "You alright?"

"Ye-yeah... J-just cold." I said through chattered teeth.

He looked down at his clothes, "Yeah, we're soaked. Let's go get a towel or something."

I nodded my head in agreement. Once in the bathroom we only found one towel. Dalton wrapped it around me and I stopped shaking. "Better?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you." He was starting to look cold. I opened up the towel and gave him a hug wrapping him in it in the process.

He chuckled, "Thanks."

"No problem." I stared up at him. Dalton was a little over 6 foot so I had to tilt me head all the way back to do so.

He put his head on the top of mine. "We should probably get into some dry clothes."

"I like that idea. Would you mind taking me home. That is of course, if you're okay to drive."

"Haha I think the sleep plus the water wake up call sobered me up enough."

Dalton dropped my of at home and I went straight to my room. Getting out of those wet clothes was my main priority. I climbed into bed afterwards and buried myself in my warm blankets. Ah, I love this <3

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