From The Start

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I was sitting on the swings moving my legs back and forth going higher and higher. I thought that if I kept going, I'd reach the stars in the sky. It had always been a dream of mine to touch them, maybe tonight I finally will.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" The voice was familiar, safe. It belonged to Dalton.

"To the stars, of course!" I replied not losing my momentum.

"Awh, and you're just gonna leave me here?" He said with a bit of sadness.

I dragged my feet in the sand, "I would never leave you my dear."

He walked up to me as I came to a full stop, "Good because darling I cant live without you."

He kissed my lips. Everything felt perfect. We walked around the park hand in hand, enjoying the crisp fall air. I couldnt believe how amazing my life was. I had great parents, a wonderful boyfriend and a bright future ahead of me. Still, something felt like it was missing. We made our way back to a bench, I leaned into him as he put his arm around me.

"Dalton!" A voice called out. It seemed familiar as well.

We both turned to see Brady walking towards us, "Hey, man whats up?"

"Bro, we gotta leave for tour. Come on lets go." He was motioning for Dalton to get up and follow.

"Where are you guys going?" My quesion was directed towards Brady. He stared at me like I was confusing him. "Why are you looking at me like that? Dont you know who I am?"

"Yeah I know who you are. Im wondering why you are talking to me though."

"What? Why? We're best friends thats why Im talking you to."

He snorted, "Uhm, Dalton I think you're girlfriend must have hit her head on something. Lyrie, we're not friends. In fact, the entire time you've been dating Dalton, you've maybe said like 10 words to me."

I didnt understnad why he was saying this. "Thats ridiculous Brady. We've known each other our entire lives."

"Yeah, we've gone to school together but thats about it. Look, we dont really have time to play catch up so if you two could just say bye already, that'd be great." He looked at Dalton who nodded and then Brady went back to where the van was parked.

"Dalton what is going on?" I needed to know why Brady didnt remember me.

"Babe, you know I have to go on tour. I'll be back though." He had misunderstood my question.

"But when will you be back? We have to talk about this." Im so confused right now, nothing makes sense.

"A month, maybe more." He was distant now. "If this tour goes well, it could open up a whole new league of opportunities for us. Im sorry, I have to go." He gave me a peck on my lips and started walking off.

"Wait! I thought you said you couldnt live without me?"

"Things change." He shouted back before getting in the van.

I ran towards him, towards the van. "Wait, please!" It was too late they were already pulling out of the parking lot. "Wait, Dalton, Brady, please! Dont leave me here! Dont leave me alone. Please.."

I awoke with a gasp. It was just a dream. The same dream I'd been having since the night of Bradys party. Each morning I would wake up realizing it was just a dream and being thankful but also remembering how I royally screwed up my life. I got up to shower hoping to feel okay, if only for a few moments. When I got out I made little effort in getting ready and crawled back into bed.

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