Siren Song (Prinxiety)

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The prince looked over the map his advisor drew up for him to find a siren hiding spot.

"Though I disapprove of what you're planning on doing, your majesty, I will help prepare you for your trip," his advisor, Logan, said while peering over the prince's shoulder.

"Thank you, dear friend. We will start preparing by dawn, so be awake and ready. If your servant would like to join, he shall," the prince said, smiling.

"Yes of course, Pa- my servant would be happy to join," Logan cleared his throat, glancing at the royal's servant by the door. "You may leave." The servant nodded and left. "Patton would be glad to help, Roman" Logan smiled.

"That is wonderful," Roman responded, turning slightly in his chair. " careful, dear friend. I am still the only one who knows." Logan nodded, turning.

"Good night, friend. Safe travels," Roman called over his shoulder as Logan exited.

"Thank you, your majesty," Logan called back as he shut the door.

Patton and Logan walked to the pier as Roman and a few of his servants loaded the boat. Patton slowed his walk and followed behind Logan, keeping his head down. 

"Ah, good morning, dear friend!" Roman called, grinning to Logan. 

"Good morning, your majesty," Logan called back, nearing.

"Good morning, your greatness," Patton said, smiling softly at Roman.

"Patton, go assist them in loading the boat," Logan 'commanded' quietly. Patton nodded and walked to the other assistants.

"Now, Patton has brought this for you," Logan said, handing Roman a small traveling pack. "He's put sleeping supplies in there as well as things to keep yourself busy while waiting for nightfall."

"Give him my thanks," Roman responded.

As the boat started to set off around 8 am the next day, Logan and Patton stood at the dock.

"Good luck!" Patton yelled from the pier, waving wildly to the prince. The prince waved back, grinning. "Don't get hurt! Don't starve yourself! Sleep as much as possible...!" As Patton's voice faded, the prince's smile faltered as he began to focus.

As the moon pushed into the middle of the sky on the fifth day, Roman's eyes drooped, trying to keep the lantern beside him lit. He had followed the map and was now nearing the spot that Logan had said was a long observed spot to where sirens appeared on a full moon.

How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?

Roman perked up at the sound as he quietly stopped rowing, looking ahead. He didn't see anybody but the song continued.

It is love we must hold onto
Never easy but we try

Roman pushed slightly to see around the rock that was in front of him.

Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow a time and place stand still

Roman felt shivers go down his spine as tears met his eyes. The voice was alluring, as Logan had told him, but this voice was alluring in the way as it reminded him of his mother, who had passed when he was young.

Love lives on inside our hearts
And always will

Love lives on inside our heartsAnd always will

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