Day By Day (Logicality/SSF)

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Trigger Warning: Implied character death, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts


Logan stared down at the bottle of rum sat in front of him on the counter. He heard faint voices but he ignored them, his despair reigning over his mind.

"Logan, stop drinking! You're ruining Thomas!" He heard Virgil yell.

"H-he's already ruined, Virgil! He's gone!" Logan slurred, taking another swig from the rum bottle.

"We can't ruin him further!" Roman protested, setting his hand on Logan's shoulder. Logan whipped around, drunken fury in his eyes.

"Leave me alone, you obnoxious, selfish royal pain in the ass!" Logan screamed, getting up and stumbling. Virgil quickly caught Logan. Logan dropped the bottle of rum on the floor and gripped onto Virgil, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Roman, let's just get him to bed," Virgil mumbled, hugging Logan close.

"You can, he clearly doesn't want to be around me," Roman spat, turning away. Virgil sighed and helped Logan to his room, rubbing Logan's back the whole way.

"I don't understand the point of existing anymore, Virgil," Logan suddenly muttered as Virgil sat him on his bed.

"What?" Virgil asked, baffled.

"I want to die, Virgil, I really do," Logan sobbed, hugging himself.

"Logan," Virgil began, sitting beside him. "Why do you want to die?"

"Because I loved him- I still love him-, Virgil. I didn't get to tell him. He died before I could," Logan whispered, looking at Virgil. "It's bad to think these thoughts, isn't it? It's illogical-"

"No, Logan. It's not," Virgil choked out. "It's okay to think these things. You are valid in thinking like this. It's hard without him, I know that. Can you keep a secret?" Virgil looked at Logan with sad eyes. Logan nodded. Virgil pulled up his hoodie's sleeves, revealing fresh scars. Logan gasped and shakily grabbed Virgil's wrists.

"" Logan whispered, making the other flinch.

"Logan, look at me," Virgil said, calmly. Logan looked up at him. "Logan, we're all hurting. Pa- Him being dead has made us all upset. But we can't let that keep us from doing our jobs."

"Virgil, you don't understand-" Logan began, letting go of Virgil's wrists and turning away.

"I completely understand, Logan," Virgil said suddenly and sternly. Something in Virgil sounded like him so Logan looked at him. Virgil's aura seemed different.

"Logan, you can't let m- his death affect you like this. You are strong, I know you are. Drinking, starving yourself, having these thoughts, is only hindering you. You have every right to be upset," Virgil said, his voice sounding so...fatherly. Virgil cupped Logan's face. Logan put the pieces together. This was Patton.

"Patton...I can't do this without you," Logan spoke quietly. "You balanced me out."

"Logan, you need to balance yourself out now," Patton responded, his stern eyes shining through Virgil's normally exhausted ones.

"Patton...will you ever come back?" Logan asked after a few moments of silence. The grip on Logan's face slacked a bit.

"I...I don't know, Logie, I really don't," Patton responded, letting himself relax. Logan flinched at the nickname, his hands beginning to shake again. "But...if one day I do, I need you to wait for me until then, okay?" Patton's voice slowly faded into Virgil's voice.

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