Going Blind (Logicality) (AU)

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College Roommates AU
TW: Mentions of suicidal thoughts


Retinitis Pigmentosa

When Patton heard those words come out of his optometrist's mouth, all he could do was look at his mother, who had her hand to her mouth. He was only 10 then.

Then as he grew up, he thought he needed glasses, but then that progressed into popping out the lenses and wearing them to look cute. He was 14 then.

By 18, he was starting to lose his peripheral vision, his vision blurring more. He felt against the wall, his mother beside him, her arm looped with his.

"Mommy, I've got it," Patton whined, looking as close as he could at the dorm rooms.

"Patton, sweetie, we just passed it," his mother said, smiling sympathetically. Patton blushed and stepped back, walking into the open dorm room. Inside was another student, his geeky glasses resting on his face as he unpacked. The student turned and stuck out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Logan Emery. You are Patton Hartley, correct?" Logan spoke, watching Patton. Patton went to reach for Logan's hand but completely missed. He giggled and found Logan's hand and shook it.

"Yup! I'm Patton! Sorry, I'm a bit tired from the trip up here," Patton explained.

"Alright, Patton, I believe you should get to know your roommate while I'm not here, alright? Text me if you need anything," Patton's mother said, turning Patton to face her. After asking Patton questions in a whisper, Patton nodded and smiled.

"I know mommy, I know," Patton said, hugging his mom.

"You be safe, Patton," his mother whispered, hugging him tightly back. "My little boy has grown up so fast." Patton pulled away and wiped away his mom's tears.

"I'll be safe, mommy. Now, you have to be safe too," Patton said, leading his mother to the dorm door.

"Good luck, Pat-Pat," his mother said then left, leaving the two roommates alone. Patton turned to Logan, grinning. "Well, let's get to know each other!"

A few months into the semester, Logan started to notice somethings that Patton would do.

Patton would reach for something and completely miss it.

Patton, when being spoken to, would look just an inch above the person.

Patton had moved to the front of the hall, leaning forward slightly to read what the professor was writing.

Patton would get extremely spooked when someone would suddenly talk after stopping beside him.

Logan assumed that it was because his roommate's glasses were without actual lenses.

That changed.

One night, Logan awoke to their door opening then shutting.

"Patton?" Logan asked, rubbing his eye and sitting up. He saw Patton's bed empty except for Patton's laptop. Logan got up slowly and walked over, crouching in front of the laptop.

Hello, my name is Patton Hartley. I'm suicidal.

Logan's felt a huge pang in his chest.

I'm suicidal for multiple reasons, but two are extremely specific.
I have Retinitis Pigmentosa.
And I'm crushing hard on a cute, smart, straight guy.

Logan cocked his brow at the second part but paid attention to the first.

I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa when I was 10 and have been progressively been losing my vision. I'm unable to afford a seeing eye dog and I truly need one. But, I know I'll have to stick to a cane when I do finally lose my vision completely.

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