Compete With Me (Prinxiety) (AU)

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(Human AU)

"Come on, Virgil!" Roman groaned. "Compete with me!" Roman called from the hockey rink, looking at his boyfriend. Virgil turned up his nose and looked away.

"What are you, Virgil? A chicken?" Roman teased, smirking. Virgil huffed and stood up.

"Fine, Roman," Virgil yelled back, grabbing skates and stepping out on the ice. He glared at Roman as he made his way towards Roman, who held two hockey sticks in one hand and the puck in the other. Virgil quickly snatched a hockey stick from Roman and got ready.

As the game went on, Virgil was becoming more agitated. Roman was winning and he was having none of it. Virgil was going to hit the puck when he lost balance on one of his skates and he twisted his ankle. He squeezed his eyes shut as he braced for impact but fell into someone's arms. Virgil looked up to see Roman, with a worried expression.

"Virgil, are you alright?" Roman asked, pulling Virgil close.

"Y-yeah. I'm f- Ow!" Virgil yelped after he tried to support himself, his ankle gave out quickly, sending a large amount of pain through his body. Roman quickly helped Virgil off the ice and sat him down on a bench, taking off his skates. Virgil hissed when Roman touched his ankle.

"Oh dear...hold on," Roman left to find a first aid kit then returned with it, sitting down on the floor next to Virgil. "This may hurt a bit," Roman warned. Virgil bit his lip in pain, feeling Roman wrap his ankle.

Roman helped Virgil get his sock and shoe on then picked Virgil up bridal style after returning the first aid kit. "Alright, Virgil. Let's just go home, lay in bed, hm?" Roman looked at Virgil's tired eyes. Virgil nodded, sighing quietly.

"Thank you, Princey," Virgil muttered, resting his head against Roman's shoulder.

"You're welcome, Emo Nightmare," Roman responded, heading to the car.

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