No One Hits My Twin But Me(SSS/CT) (AU)

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High School AU


Roman walked with his squad, made up of his boyfriend, Virgil, his best friend Patton, his other best friend, Logan, and his twin brother, Remus, in the courtyard.

Roman and Virgil held hands in the front and Logan and Patton flirted in the back, leaving Remus in the middle of it all, clearly annoyed by it. He quickly slapped the back of Roman's head and chuckled. Roman looked at his twin with pursed lips and a death glare. Remus laughed as Roman turned around to hit him back.

Suddenly, something hit Virgil, then it hit Roman too. Roman and Virgil fell to the ground, rubbing where they were hit. Remus looked to the ground and saw small rocks that definitely could leave a bruise. Remus looked up in time to see another rock launched at Patton and Logan, this one hitting Patton in the eye, making Logan growl until he was hit in the nose with a much heavier, larger rock. Remus looked to where the rocks were coming from and saw the group bullies. Remus growled and stormed up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Remus snapped, getting up in the main bully's face.

"Target practice," the bully responded, shoving Remus back.

"No one hits my twin but me!" Remus yelled, punching the bully in the face. The bully stumbled backwards. The bully growled and lunged at Remus, pinning him to the ground and punching him repeatedly in the face.

When Roman, Virgil, Patton, and Logan focused, they saw Remus in a huge fight with the bullies. Remus's eye had swelled shut, his nose and mouth were bloodied, his face was bruised. When one of the bullies shoved him forward, Remus landed on his knees.

"Had enough, stinky rat?" the bully snickered when Remus didn't get up for a few seconds. Remus stood up, looked the bully straight in the eye. His green eyes burned with anger.

"Only my friends can call me that!" Remus lunged at the bully, grabbing his face and slamming their foreheads together multiple times. The bully stumbled backwards, gripping his bleeding forehead.

Soon, the teachers were out there, holding both Remus and the bully's group back. The group of students that had gathered to watch the fight, were sent to class. As Remus was being pulled inside with the bullies, Roman ran in front of the teachers.

"He didn't do anything wrong!" Roman yelled.

"Mr. Atherton, your brother assaulted three students!" The teacher responded strictly.

"He did it to protect us!" Roman said, motioning to his friends. The teachers looked over to the 3 still sitting on the ground. Virgil was hugging himself, Patton was fussing over Logan, who had a broken, bloody nose. "They threw rocks at us! They broke Logan's nose! Remus was just trying to get them to stop and things got physical!"

The teacher looked from Roman and his friends to Remus and back. The teacher sighed.

"Mr. Atherton, your brother will still get in trouble for fighting with the other students, but we will mention that these three imbeciles started it by throwing rocks at you," the teacher said, glaring at the bullies.

Roman thanked the teacher and looked to Remus. Remus gave him a thumbs up then followed the teachers to the principal's office.

"Thanks, stinky rat boy!" Roman yelled after his brother.

"You're welcome, faggot!" Remus yelled back, laughing. Roman laughed after the teacher smacked Remus's arm lightly.


Uh, my friends and I call each other "faggot" because we are all gay thank you have a nice day

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