Chapter 3-Return of a Brother

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They all sat around the kitchen table as Five teleported around the kitchen like a madman. Peter watched lazily from the table where he sat next to Klaus.

"What's the date? The exact date," asked Five as he grabbed the ingredients to make a sandwich from the kitchen cabinets. He turned back to them after grabbing a loaf of bread.

"The 24th," answered Peter slightly confused at the whole situation that was unfolding in front of him. His brother seemed nonchalant to the fact he'd been gone for almost twenty years, and despite the time still looked exactly the same as when he'd left. 

"Of what?" asked Five aggravatedly.

"March," answered Peter once again still questioning what the boy was talking about. 

"Good," answered Five. He nodded contently, apparently satisfied with the answer he'd been given. He continued to make his sandwich as if it was an ordinary, everyday occurrence.

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther seemed to be more than a little annoyed at the fact that Five wasn't exactly explaining the current situation. Five didn't answer he just continued to make his sandwich, ignoring Luther. The other siblings turned to look at one another. Allison just rolled her eyes. 

"It's been 17 years," said Luther loudly as he stood up and moved closer to Five.

"It's been longer than that," replied Five angrily. He looked up with an expression of rage on his face and took a couple of steps toward Luther waving around a buttering knife madly. Peter wished he could stop this fighting between his siblings but knew that there wasn't really a way to accomplish that so he sat in silence watching the scene unfold in front of him. They would always fight over every detail it seems. Five then warped around Luther to open another cabinet. Peter could hear Luther mumble something under his breath. 

It ends out that Five had traveled to the future only to discover that he couldn't go back to the past as he'd planned. Peter remembered the discussions and arguments Five had with Father over the complexities of time travel and wasn't surprised that Five had proven their Father's warnings to be true. Father, regrettably, always seemed to be right.

"Nice dress," said Five looking at Klaus.

"Oh well, Danke," said Klaus causing Peter to chuckle. Klaus turned to smile at him as he heard his giggle. 

'Wait, how did you get back," asked Vanya who seemed to want to get back to the more pressing topic. Peter sighed as the atmosphere of the room fluctuated once more.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time," replied Five matter of factly. Peter nodded understanding what the boy was talking about. It made sense due to all of the college classes he'd taken and his odd obsession with physics. Diego seemed to be slightly lost though.

"That makes no sense," Diego stated perplexed.

"It would if you were smarter," replied Five with a hint of sass. (More than a hint honestly.) Diego jumped out of his seat ready to start a fight per usual. Peter sighed already feeling another headache coming on.

"How long were you there?" interrupted Luther before a fight could break out. He held his arm in front of Diego stopping him from approached their other sibling. Peter, for once, approved of Luther's decision.

"Forty-Five years. Give or take." Peter raised his eyebrows in shock as that sunk in. His siblings sat back down as they seemed to realize the piece of information they'd just been given.

"So what are you saying? You're fifty-eight years old?" Luther asked Five dumbfounded.

"No, my consciousness is 58. Apparently, my body is now 13 again," replied Five with a tired sigh. Peter left the room as he began to speak about someone named Delores. 

Please comment and leave feedback. Sorry, it took me so long to update. I just got back from spending a week vacationing in San Antonio, Texas. 

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