Chapter 2- Back from the Future

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Peter watched as Allison came from behind one of the men and proceeded to 'persuade' him to shoot his buddy in the foot.  He quickly swung in as he had been trained to and started webbing the robbers up in the corners of the room away from the hostages. He almost flinched when he saw Luther throw one of the men through the front window of the bank to where the cameras of media stations from all over the city waited for the biggest story of the year. Every sibling had their own unique talents that contributed to the group. Diego had impeccable accuracy, Luther had superstrength, Allison could 'persuade' people with just one sentence, Ben could transform into an unstoppable beast that took down anyone in his path, Five could teleport and phase through the walls of space and time, and Peter had abilities similar to that of a Spider. Klaus couldn't be of much help in this situation with his ability to see the dead, but he was a valuable member of the team as well. Peter sighed as one of the criminals jumped up to stand on the desk.

"Hey be careful," said Peter.

"Wouldn't want you to get hurt," Allison finished his thought. Five teleported on top of the desk next to the man. The man, stunned, shot multiple times at the spot Five had been moments before. He turned around as Five appeared once again, but was surprised to see a stapler in his hand instead of a gun. 

"Oooooh. That's one badass stapler," Five said with a cocky grin before slamming the stapler into the guys face, knocking him out. Ben walked out from behind the group sighing as he knew that it was his turn. 

"Do we really have to do this?" Ben asked miserably. 

"Come on, Ben. There are more guys in the vault," dictated Luther. Ben mumbled pitifully to himself as he walked into the vault where the rest of the criminals were stood. Through the window, the other Umbrella Academy students watched his shadow as Ben transformed. Peter felt bad knowing that Ben hated doing this. He wished he could hold him and comfort him as a child deserved in moments like this where he was at his worst. Moments later Ben exited the vault covered in blood from head to toe, but the only thing Peter noticed was the sadness in his brother's eyes. 

"Can we go home now?" he asked somberly. Peter walked over to him and gently wiped his face with the handkerchief he kept in his breast-pocket. Ben smiled up at his brother thankfully. Not more than five minutes later they strutted out of the bank with their heads held high. Mr. Hargreeves walked to stand in front of them as he faced the cameras. 

"Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy!" Peter stood smiling warmly at the surrounding crowd as he'd been previously instructed. 

"Mr. Hargreeves! Mr. Hargreeves! Channel Nine News! What happened to their parents?"

~Flashback Ended~

Peter's train of thought was broken as he heard Klaus yelling from downstairs. He continued to walk around his room thoughts running wild inside his head. He was surprised however when he heard the music start to play from down the hall but smiled as he heard the rhythm of the familiar song. The song had been meaningful to him during his childhood just as it had been for the rest of his siblings.

He couldn't help but start to dance. He quietly sang along to the song and got lost in the music. He didn't even know that all his siblings were dancing as well around the manor. However the moment was short-lived, it was interrupted when lightning struck the ground in the courtyard and everything began to harshly shake. He could hear things hitting the walls throughout the house. He stumbled out of bed and ran downstairs searching frantically for his siblings. When he walked into the courtyard he was startled to see a glowing opening in the sky. He stopped next to Diego who had the same serious look on his face as always. Diego looked over at him before stepping protectively in front of him and Vanya. 

"Looks like a temporal anomaly. I mean either that or a miniature black hole," said Luther humourlessly. 

"Pretty big difference there Paul Bunyan," said Diego boldly. Peter was suddenly pushed out of the way by Klaus running through to throw a fire extinguisher at the 'temporal anomaly/miniature black hole. 

"What is that supposed to do?" asked Peter confused. 

"I don't know. Do you have a better idea?" he asked causing Peter to blush and look down. Just then lightning struck. 

"Woah Woah Woah! Everybody get behind me," yelled Luther. Diego quickly followed by repeating the same thing and pushing to the front. Now was not the best time to fight about who was the better leader, Peter thought bitterly. However, Peter didn't think twice about hiding behind Diego's back just looking slightly over his shoulder at the abnormality. 

Peter, however, was astonished when he saw Five in the middle of the abnormality. He fell through the air before hitting the ground with a harsh thud. They slowly moved towards Five as he stood up off the ground and brushed himself off without a word. 

"Does anyone else see little number Five. Or is that just me?" Peter snorted at his statement. He was obviously still not in the ideal state of mind. 

This was going to be a long day. Maybe he could get some pizza later...

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