Miles Behind Us

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 ( Dani's P.O.V.) 

" The hell do you mean if it's contaminated the water?" I asked. " You can clearly see the skin has broken and blood is coming out. The water's contaminated." 

" Let's just put a bullet in its head then," Andrea said. " We can board it up and make sure no one gets in it." 

" I'll work on draining it." Maggie said. 

" It's snowing!" Sofia yelled from the porch. 

" You guys better get going then." Maggie said. 

" Good luck with the wheel." I said, turning around. 

" Dani." Lori called from behind me. 

I stopped and let her catch up with me. " Yeah?" 

" Can you see if you can find a pregnancy test in there?" 

" Yeah. Anything else?" 

" No."

" Alright. Shane, come on!" 

" Quit yelling. You'll bring a herd on us."  

" It wasn't loud enough. Relax." 

( Daryl's P.O.V.) 

" Clear," Lucy said from the other side of the abandoned house. " Find anything?" 

" Someone's been sleepn' in here." I told her. 

" That marks the house off the list," She said, walking past the doorway of the room I was in and out the backdoor. " We better move it. It's snowing again." 

We left the house through the back door, noticing a few Cherokee Rose flowers in some brush. 

Lucy bent down, pulled out the plant, along with the bulbs and stuck them in a plastic bag, then placed them in her backpack. 

Afterword, we headed into the woods. It looks like we're going to be out here a few days. 

( Shane's P.O.V.) 

( Town's Pharmacy)

" I didn't expect all this to still be here." Dani said, looking around. 

" Honestly, neither did I." I said, following her in. 

" Lori thinks she might be pregnant. She told me to pick up a pregnancy test. It's yours." 

I was quiet for a few minutes, joy filling me. 

" Let's just clean out the rest of this stuff and roam around town. Scout for a stable place to stay after the snow breaks." 

" Did Hershel say something?" 

" Yeah. He said as soon as the snow breaks, we're getting booted. But if Lori's pregnant, he might let us stay. Christians always do what's right. So they claim. You better start thinking about names." 

" You know she's not going to let me anywhere near that kid." 

" She definitely will. Trust me." 

We cleaned out the pharmacy and headed into town, finding a few house's that were intact.

" Let's head back. The snow's starting to stick." Dani said. 

" Take me to our leader." I said in a robot voice. 

She actually laughed. 

On the way back, we ran into a small group that had broken down. The famous ex-football player Tyreese Williams, his daughter Julie, her boyfriend Chris,  and Tyreese's sister Sasha. 

I told them about the house's back in town because they needed some shelter from the storm that was coming and invited us into their group. 

" It's fine. We prefer to be loners. Stay safe." 

" You sure? We wouldn't mind having you." Tyreese said.

" It's fine. Here are some supplies, and if you go west a few miles from here, their's another town. I don't know if their's more supplies, but you should get out of here. We spotted a herd coming this way." 

" Thank you for the warning." Sasha said. 

" Your welcome."  

We said our goodbye's and went our separate ways.

" That was a good call, considering." 

" Something didn't feel right, that's all." 

When we got back, it looked like all hell had broken loose. 

The barn was wide open, dead bodies covered the ground, including Hershel's oldest daughter and son, and Sophia. 

I didn't actually see the body, but when I saw Daryl holding her back, I instantly knew what happened.  

A crying Lucy plowed into Dani as her eyes were glued to the ground where the twins were. 

She wrapped her arms around her crying wife and turned her gaze to Hershel, her glare saying it all. 

" DAD! DAD!" Duane called from across the yard " WALKERS! A HORDE OF EM'" 

" FROM WHICH DIRECTION!?" Morgan called. 


" We'll guard, everybody get packed." Shane said, cocking his shotgun. 

" We gotta go." I said into Lucy's ear. 

" We can't leave them like this." She cried. 

" We're going to have to." I said as everyone started to scramble around. 

I picked Lucy up and head to the RV with Lori who had Carl in her arms. 

Afterward, I grabbed a pistol and my fire ax and waited for the Walkers alongside Shane, Gleen, Andrea, T-Dog and Dale who was on top of the RV.

We were well packed as the Walkers poured in so we went ahead and bailed. 

I lost count of how long we were on the road. Today was the tenth day we woke up hungry. 

It was a miracle we found Willshire Estates, and I don't say that lightly. 

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