The Calm Before The Storm

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Danny Frost

" Guess what beautiful?" My wife Lucy asked as I opened my eyes.

" It's Pancake Day, isn't it?"

" Yep, and it looks like you woke up on time."

" Why can't I just be late. Every damn time I have these things, the political shit always finds its way to me."

" If Walt's going, so are you."

" Walt Longmire's going?" I asked her. " That's a first."

Lucy got off of me, allowing me to get up. Yawning, I pushed through my morning routine. Get a shower, applyed make some make-up, throw on a dress, a pair of high heels, and drank about five cups of coffee.

" I should go ahead and head over."

" Try to keep your cool, alright."

" It's not going to be my fault. It's their fault. The damn idiots shouldn't have used it at the Catholic Church."

We kissed goodbye, I grabbed my keys and headed out the front door into the cold. The cold never bothered any of us, so that's why we moved into a cabin on top of a very snowy mountain. My tiny car just slides down the mountainside and onto the road. That is what I always look forward to in the mornings.

Surprisingly, all of my firefighters were there, slaving away, my Aunt Vonnie in the kitchen, also slaving away.

" Well, I'll be damned," I said as I walked over to the table, over to Sheriff Longmire. " It's Walt Longmire. How're the co-workers after losing the game last Friday?"

" Vic is still pissed, but other than that, everyone's fine."

" You scared to talk to everyone else or something?" I asked as I sat across from him.

" Just don't feel like hearing that political bull shit today."

" You and me both. You mind watching my stuff?"

" Not at all."

I got up, leaving my coat and sunglasses in the safety of the Sheriff, and got to work.

As the minutes passed, more and more people entered and exited. I didn't pay any mind to them, especially the ones whispering in the back, thinking I couldn't hear them.

The only person who really caught my eye was the half looking drugged out guy that stumbled in. Ray, one of the many morons that wore his full uniform, went over to help him, but instead was jumped by what looked like a walking corpse, who then proceeded to sink his teeth into the back of Ray's neck. I didn't see where she came in from.

Jackson darted to help his boyfriend and succeeded in ripping the corpse off of him, and through him towards the window. Everyone darted outside while Walt helped me with the severely bleeding Ray. " This shit is straight out of  one of ofLucy's stories."

" The bitch went straight for his carotid. He's bleeding too much captain." Jackson started as an ambulance arrived.

" Ray, stay with me, you idiot." I told him as the paramedics came through the door.

Walt came back from restraining the bastard who sank his teeth into Ray's neck, and the guy who looked high as hell.

" Its.....wa..." Ray said as his last breath exited his lungs.

Aunt Vonnie's scream snapped me out of my state. I turned to see her taking the hot frying pan and hitting the shit out another corpse as she stabbed at its heart.

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