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Today is Saturday, that means Trixie can go sit under the bleachers all day. Well that is if her stepdad doesn't cause her any trouble before he passes out on the couch leaving her mom to deal with him if he wakes up. Trixie mom is very distant even though they live in the same house. Her stepdad has changed Trixies mom. She used to be fun and loving to Trixie but now she spends her day sitting in her room staring off at nothing even when Her husband is abusing her daughter. Trixie understands though she doesn't want to be checked in with reality either but who else is gonna be the strong one then? It is 1:00pm so Trixies stepdad should be passed out within an hour because he got a brand new bottle of scotch last night which means it won't last past 3:00pm at the latest. Trixie kills time by listening to Dolly Parton in her room until 2:30pm hits. She then grabs her guitar and heads out to the school. When she gets to the bleachers she pulls out her journal from its hiding spot right away and begins to write

"Weirdness follows me wherever I go
Weirdness seems to know me even better   than I seem to know myself
I'm someone else"
"Lookin to the clock beside my bed
Am I really keepin time or isn't only keeping me instead
Go back to bed"
"You've got time to grow—

Trixie is interrupted by the loud rumble of a motorbike. She looks over to the road and sees the same motorbike she saw last night. The rider this time does not look back at the road instead they continue to stare at Trixie until they're out of sight. She doesn't think too much of it before continuing her writing

"Soldier take your time
No one said the words all have to rhyme and if they do it's fine
And even if they don't no one needs to know
Soldier you gotta let things go "

She thinks carefully about the next verse. Wanting to make sure she is translating what she wants to properly into song

"An hour hand moves faster with a scotch
Even when you're in it moving faster every minute if you watch
And drink a lot
But drinking only wakes you up at 10
Spend the day regretting but I'm betting that you'll do it all again
Next weekend"

She stopped writing then. She couldn't think of anything else to write.
She flipped to a new page and wrote a note:

"Dear trixie, it's you. Please read this everytime you open this journal. Because I know it's hard to deal with you're stepdad but bruises on your arms will go away and cuts will heal into scars that will fade. Don't let him ever give you permanent damage. Remember that all he can do is leave physical scars that will go away"

She wrote that to herself because she knew she'll need it. She has written several notes to herself and although they haven't stopped her from hurting herself they have helped her cancel out her stepdad a bit.
She put her journal away and grabbed her guitar to play a few Dolly songs and drift away for a little while. By now it is almost 5:00pm and the sun is beginning to set. Trixie began walking home and she could faintly hear the rumble of a motorbike in the distance. She wondered if it was the same one again but didn't think very long before arriving at her house and running up to her room before her stepdad or mom could see her.

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