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I left trixie to sleep and went down to my art room. I grabbed the painting of trixie playing guitar and set it up on the easel to add a few finishing touches because you know what they say 'a painting is never finished the artist just puts down their brush.' I worked on it for a little over an hour before deciding it was finished and leaving it to dry. I never realized how bored I got without trixie, after she was introduced into my life everything has changed and she is what occupies my time so I have no idea what to do.

I went into my yoga studio, pulled out a mat and turned on some calm music. I began a yoga circuit and let my mind clear and my body relax as I drifted into a different world, all my focus was on my movements. I missed yoga so much and I am happy I started again because I never really understood why I stopped after returning to America from Russia. I continued my yoga for what felt like ten minutes But was actually an hour and forty five minutes, I decided to go check on trixie, when I got up to the bedroom she was still peacefully sleeping, she looks so cute when she is sleeping and I made sure to be very quiet going back down the stairs. I looked at fancy restaurants online and made a reservation at some classy French place, me and trixie haven't really been on an official proper date.

I sat and watched a movie, by the end Trixie still wasn't awake and I felt I could die of boredom, I felt like smoking.

I got up and sped to the elevator, as I was going down I sent trixie a text saying I was out just in case she woke up while I was gone, I got on my motorbike and went to the nearest gas station

"Pack of Marlboro lights please uh make that two packs"

The clerk was an older guy and he looked at me with a disappointment "how long have you been sober?"

I slouched "Uh not long. Like 2 months. I quit just before moving here. Now can I get my cigs?"

"No problem, show me your id please"

"Oh yea" I fumbled to pull out my wallet and grab my id, I showed it to the clerk, he nodded his head and turned around to grab my cigarettes

"King sized or 100's?"

"King sized thanks"

He rung them through and I grabbed a few lighters as well

"$50 even"

I grabbed a $50 bill and handed to him quickly grabbing my stuff and leaving the store, I shoved everything in my side bag of the motor bike and went home. I got up to the apartment and went straight to the roof, I took off my clothes and got into the hot tub fully naked but without trixie.

As soon as I had the cigarette between my fingers I felt guilty because I felt so good lighting it with a fresh lighter, I inhaled the cancerous chemicals and let the smoke fill my lungs. I exhaled slowly and there was nearly no better feeling than what I felt right now, Trixie was number one but this... this was a close second, my whole body calmed to a level that yoga couldn't even achieve. I finished my first cigarette and lit a second one right as my phone chimed, I grabbed it from my pant pocket and there was a message from trixie

Trixie💖🎀: I just woke up, where are you?
Katya🖤: I'm in the hot tub, sorry in advance
Trixie💖🎀: what are you sorry for?
Katya🖤: Uhh well you'll see

Trixie came through the roof door naked and walked over to me, I blew out a puff of smoke making sure to direct it away from her. She got into the hot tub "it's kind of really hot. I know I should be like oh that's bad for you but fuck do you ever look hot"

I took another big drag and blew it out away from trixie's face with a smile

"Mmm yea. Still not encouraging it but damn I could get used to that"

I put it out and held out my arms inviting trixie to come sit on my lap, she smiled and sat between my legs sideways so that we were both comfortable.

"How's your head baby"

"Haven't had any complaints" she giggled as I understood the joke and glared at her

"We both know you haven't had any complaints cause you haven't done anything" I tapped her nose

"Hey! Rude. But true."

"Let me try again. How is your head feeling?"

"It's okay. I took 3 Advil so it doesn't hurt"

I lit another cigarette as she spoke "that's good babes. You had a long nap too, I died of boredom and missed you which led me to this" I gestured to the cigarette between my fingers

"Oh my god Katya. What are you gonna do when things go back to normal and I go to school and stay at my house?"

"Ughhh nooo. That sounds awful"

"Part of what you signed up for when you decided to start dating me"

"Well then we'll make it work"

"You're treating this like it's a long distance relationship. Momma I'm gonna be like 15mins away"

"That is long distance! Please just let me buy you and your mom an apartment"

"No! Me and my mom are doing that together. You can pitch in but not take over"

"Okay. Then you have to deal with me missing you all the time"

"You can come at lunch, you can drive me home from school, we can hangout for a bit after school also."

"Yea I guess. But I don't want you getting picked on anymore and if all the stupid dickheads at your school see us they are just gonna be assholes to you"

"Meh. I got you, and I'll do anything to keep it that way"

"At least once dane is gone we won't have to worry about him hurting you"

"Yea, exactly"

She went to kiss me but I dodged it before she reached my lips

"Let me kiss you"

"No. I have cigarette and coffee breath"

"I don't give a shit"

She put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, trixie truly was the only thing that could make me feel as calm as cigarettes did. I'm addicted to trixie, her smile, her eyes, her humour, her gorgeous body, her intelligence, her personality, her everything I loved every single thing about her and craved her every second of every day.
Real short and boring chapter but I wanted the chapter to mirror Katyas mood in the beginning

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