Breastfeeding? - baby!Luke

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Requested by @iloveanima!

Luke - 1 year old headspace 

Ashton - Daddy 


Ashton warmed up Luke's bottle, "Lukey, ready for your bottle?" He picked up Luke, and sat on the sofa, and laid Luke across his lap. He put the nipple of the bottle agaonst Luke's hestitaing lips. "C'mon baby, it's just milk.." Luke started sucking the liquid down, his poor belly not feeling very good every sip he took. 

"Good boy, that's my boy!" Luke whimpered, and before had the words to spill out to tell his daddy he was sick, he vomited all over his daddy. "I sowwy, daddy!" Luke wailed, and Ashton shushed him, and cleaned his whimpering baby boy in a bath. He'd clean himself afterwards, knowing Luke would sleep for quite a few hours. 

He washed his baby's hair, and cleaned him up, putting him in a new nappy and an Winnie the Pooh onezie. (A/N imagine that, how cute would Lukey be??!!) and put him his crib, covering his sleeping boy with the duvets. He shut the door, and rushed into a quick bath. He put on new sweats, and a black tank-top that said "SAY WHAT?!" on it. 

He ran down to the store across, and bought special pills to breastfeed his baby with. He ran home again, and took a pill straight away as he shut the door. I hope this will help my baby.. He gets sick of the normal milk.. Hope this will help my baby... 

~1 hour later~

Loud wails from Luke's nursery was heard, and Ashton jumped yp and jogged into his baby's room. "Hey, hey, hey baby.. Baby, it's okay, daddy's here.." Luke's glassy eyes glowed, and Luke made grabby hands to his daddy. Ashton cooed, and lifted him under his armpits, "Someone needs a change, huh bud?" Luke clung to his daddy, and Ashton knew he'd have a fuzzy baby as he laid Luke on the changing table. 

Luke's eyes became glassy, tears soon enough started running down his cheeks again. "Dad-ddy, no-o look..." Ashton rubbed his baby's belly, "C'mon babe, I promise it's gonna be okay." He quickly changed Luke, and put rash cream, baby powder and a new nappy. He then placed Luke on his hip, and walked down to his living room. 

He sat on the sofa, and took off his shirt. Luke was confused, wasn't he getting a bottle? Ashton took the back of his head, "C'mon baby.." Luke realized what was going on, and he hestitanly started sucking the mlik from his daddy's nipple. His stomach didn't feel sick, he was enjoying the milk. Ashton sighed in content, and Luke drank till he was full. 

"I think, this is the selution, so no more bottles for you, bub." Luke giggled, and Ashton let him play with his toys, while he got his shirt on, and made a sendwich for himself. 

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