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Harry p.o.v:

"So what's all this about." Ed asked me when i got to his place.
"I just like wine and pizza."
"Come on, dude. You know that's not what i mean." Ed sighed. "I can tell you're uptight."
"It's nothing bro. Let's watch The Notebook." I was beginning to get annoyed. He knows if i wanted to talk to him about my issues then i would.
"Harry, i'm serious."
"Look, if this is about me calling Taylor 'Tay', it's because.. well, you know i'm lazy when i'm online."
"And when you're not online..."
"Gee dude. Thanks."
"Ugh! If you must know i've been thinking about her a lot lately."
"I knew it!" Ed squeaked.
"Don't tell her, that would mess her around." I said, looking at my shoes. "She doesn't want me"
"Bruh, you need confidence." Ed rolled his eyes. "Ok fine we can watch the bloody Notebook."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I got home from Ed's at around 4pm, and decided to sit and stare out of my window, because why not? A sit and stare does no harm. I was rudely interrupted by a text from Jeff, my good friend and manager


Jeff: Hey man. Do you remember how to post something on the gram?

Harry: Wtf is 'the gram'?

Jeff: Instagram

Harry: Oh, Ofc i do. I just choose not to because i have a life

Jeff: Yeah whatever. Today is your fans' lucky day!

Harry: Uh oh....

Jeff: You're announcing your new single coming out tomorrow night

Harry: TOMORROW NIGHT!?!? We haven't even decided what the lead is

Jeff: Don't worry m8, we've got it sorted.

Harry: If it's not 'Darling of Diamonds' then idk what to say

Jeff: It is darling of diamonds!

Harry: Good

Jeff: Get posting Hazza


a/n: It's about to get a lot more interesting :)))))))

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