twenty four

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Harry's p.o.v:

"TAYLOR!" I screamed, as the big truck slammed into her. The window shattered, and flew into her. Tears were running down her face as she collapsed in my arms, before she lost consciousness. 

"Sir, sir!" Shouted the driver of the truck, as he came around to my window. "I'm so sorry! I've called 911, and they're on their way... oh my gosh. Is she okay? OH MY- is that Taylor Swift? Are you Harry Styles? OH MY GOSH HARRY I AM SO, SO, SO, SO, SORRY I DON'T-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, trying to get the shards of glass out of Taylor's face. This was the least of the damage. She truck had slammed into her, so of course she had broken bone and bruises. But if this was all i could do, i had to do it. I had to do something

By now the paparazzi had caught up with us, but thankfully the police had arrived and were taking care of them. The paramedics had put Taylor on a stretcher, and were taking her into the ambulance. I had explained what happened to them as best i could, but the truth was, i had no idea what had happened. One second i was feeling like the luckiest man in the world, smiling at my beautiful girlfriend, and the next there was a giant vehicle flying into her. It was hard not to break down crying. But i couldn't cry, i had to be strong. Strong for Taylor. There was a chance that deep down, she could still hear me. 

The ambulance drove Taylor and I away to the hospital. When we arrived, it was touch and go. The paramedics ran Taylor into emergency, while they took me into an operating room.

"Lie down, Mr. Styles." A nurse told me. She had dark skin and black-brown ombre hair. If it were any other day, i would've thought she was beautiful. But this was not the time to be gawking at a nurse.

"What?" I said, lying down on the bed. "I don't need stitches."

"In case you haven't noticed, you have blood pouring from your chin." She said. Come to think of it, i was in pain. Not as much physical pain as mental pain though. 

"Oh." I said. "But... i need to see Taylor."

"Ms. Swift will be in the emergency room for a while. Family members only." The nurse slapped on some numbing cream on my chin, and got to work stitching it up. I was getting major deja-vu with stitches on my chin. Why is it always my chin? I thought. 

How could i possibly be thinking of myself? I was so selfish. Taylor was possibly dying, and here i was feeling sorry for my chin. Ugh.

As soon as the nurse said "done" i briskly walked to the front desk, running into Austin Swift on my way.

"Harry!" He said, looking worried and scared. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"I don't know." I said, bursting into tears. It seemed that my tears had all been gathering up, and now they were letting loose, all coming out at once. There wasn't time to cry, i needed to stop.

a/n: ah sorry i'm not very good at ending chapters aha. If you're enjoying this story please follow me :)

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