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Harry's p.o.v:

I walked Taylor out the back to my car that had just pulled up there.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Taylor." My driver, Phil said to Taylor as she got in with me.

"Well, yeah. That's because-" Taylor stopped herself from saying whatever she was about to say.

"Good to see you again." Phil said. "Will I be seeing more of you?"

"Phil." I said. "Get that grin off your face."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Phil said, as he started to drive.

The drive was short. Too short for my liking. I wanted the car ride to go on forever and ever, so Taylor and I could just be together without any drama. I knew she would go off at me at some point, and I was just waiting for it. But it was nice to just have an innocent little catch up. We said goodbye to Phil, as we walked into my house. It was utterly freezing because no one had been in here for hours. Usually my mum would pop in and have dinner with me, but not tonight because of the TCAs.

I was embarrassed bringing Taylor into my home again for the first time in months, because it was a dump. When I was jealous, I got pathetic. And this was what you would call pathetic. Clothes on the floor, unmade bed, dishes not done. I'd been a real mess, and now she had to know that. Ugh, what would she think of me now?

"Woah, Harry!" Taylor said, looking around. "Are you okay?"

"Well, I am now." I tried to smile.


"Sorry about all the mess." I sighed. "I've been living in a dump."

"You really have." She nodded. "Um, do you have a jumper or something I could wear? I'm really cold."

"Oh yeah, of course." I said. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine." She shrugged, following me to my bedroom.

"Here." I said, handing her the one she used to wear all the time.

"I remember this!" She giggled. "I wore this back in 2012. I loved it so much."

"We were so innocent back then." I said.

"Yeah. Oh!" She pointed to a scarf in my wardrobe. "Is that mine?"

"Yeah, sorry." I picked it up. "You can have it."

"No, you keep it." She shrugged. "It's cute. I still have your white stripy shirt."

"Thought so." I smiled.

Things were different. I wouldn't say awkward, because I knew it was just nerves. But through everything we'd been through, things had changed along the way too. We'd grown so close, and then I screwed it up. I didn't blame her for anything. I don't blame her for being awkward around the man who broke her heart more than once.

"Weren't going to go to some after parties tonight?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, but... not anymore." She smiled. "Were you?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "I haven't been to a party in a while."


"I've been drinking too much at home already, and I haven't felt like going out."

"Oh." Taylor looked guilty.

"I've been really pathetic with you gone, Taylor." I confessed. "I get really pathetic when I'm jealous."

"What are you jealous of?" Taylor looked completely oblivious. Why could she see through everything but me?

"That bloody prick who goes by the name Tom Hiddleston." I spat.

"Tom's a good guy." She said.

"Yeah, a better guy than me."

"Ugh." Taylor said, and I saw a lonely tear flow down her face.

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